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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

What's New in Barracuda RMM 12 SP1 MR1

  • Last updated on

Deprecation of support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2

Due to Microsoft’s end of regular security updates and termination of extended support, Barracuda RMM is deprecating support for installing and upgrading Onsite Managers and Device Managers on Windows Server 2008 (Web, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter) and Windows Server 2008 R2 (Web, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter) as of this release.

Deployment of Barracuda Intronis Backup Agent

Barracuda Intronis Backup - MSP is a software-only BDR solution designed to accelerate the growth of your managed services business. Built specifically for MSPs around a centralized management portal, the solution enables you to protect, recover, and restore SMB files, folders, emails, applications, and servers — physical or virtual — both locally and in the cloud.

As of MW12 SP1 MR1, Barracuda RMM provides free integration with Barracuda Intronis Backup for users who have an Intronis Backup license. You can deploy Intronis Backup Agent to devices managed by Barracuda RMM from within Service Center.

At this time, only users hosted on the Barracuda Cloud can deploy Barracuda Intronis Backup Agent from Service Center.

Support for SQL Server 2019 Dedicated Server Configuration

This version of Barracuda RMM includes support for SQL Server, which is defined as a server with only SQL Server installed. In a dedicated SQL Server configuration, Service Center and all other Windows Services and web applications are installed on separate systems. For more information, see SQL Server Configuration in the Setup Guide for your version of Barracuda RMM.

If you attempt to set up Barracuda RMM in an environment where the SQL Server 2019 is not in a dedicated configuration, the installation fails after the report server configuration step.

Easier deletion of devices and Device Managers

You can now also delete devices managed by device managers, and easily delete Device Managers from devices, so they are no longer managed.

You can delete devices managed by Device Managers and delete Device Managers from devices on the following pages:

  • The Onboarding Overview page
  • The device status page for the device

Previously, only devices managed by Onsite Managers could be deleted from the Onboarding Overview page, and from their device status page.

This release of Barracuda RMM streamlines the workflow of deleting devices on the Onboarding Overview page.

Additional devices included in automatic down device deletion

Prior to this release, the following types of devices were excluded from automatic down device deletion:

  • Devices that have been excluded from Service Center
  • Devices managed by Device Managers

Excluded devices and devices managed by Device Managers are now automatically deleted when down for the length of time set in the Down Device Threshold Settings for the site.

Captcha added to the Onsite Manager removal

A Captcha has been added to Onsite Manager removal confirmation.

Auto Inclusion and Exclusion Rules

This version of Barracuda RMM introduces a user-requested feature that allows you to automatically include or exclude new devices found on the network for sites that are managed by an Onsite Manager. You can automatically include or exclude all newly discovered devices, or you can create a custom rule for discovery.

A custom discovery rule analyzes newly discovered devices and includes or excludes it in your Onsite Manager-managed site based on certain device roles, network roles, and hardware types that you selected. Setting up a custom rule automates the task of deciding what devices will be in your Onsite Manager-based site, freeing you to spend your time on other things.

Multi-Factor Authentication Enabled by Default for New User Accounts

As of this release, all new users are created with multi-factor authentication enabled by default, for security reasons.

Multi-factor authentication can be disabled, however, it is recommended that Multi-Factor Authentication be enabled for all users.