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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

What's New in Barracuda RMM 12 SP4

  • Last updated on

Windows Defender Antivirus Integration

Barracuda RMM 12 SP4 provides integration with Windows Defender Antivirus, Microsoft's antivirus solution for workstations running Windows 10, and servers running Windows Server 2016 and 2019.

Windows Defender Antivirus is free to use and provides critical protection for those systems. It is included with the operating systems listed above and does not need to be installed or deployed.

Barracuda RMM lets you control Windows Defender Antivirus settings with policies, letting you configure your protection, choose what devices to protect, and choose which files and folders on each system to exclude from protection.

When it is active and configured correctly, Microsoft Defender Antivirus fulfills the Site Security Assessment requirements for the following categories:

  • Server antivirus software detection
  • Workstation Antivirus software detection
  • Workstation Antivirus software evaluation
  • Workstation Antivirus software status check

See Managing Microsoft Defender Antivirus.

Intronis Backup Integration Updates

Computer names match in Barracuda RMM and ECHOPortal

To let you more easily identify devices you have integrated with Intronis Backup, computer names in Barracuda RMM and ECHOPortal now match.

Alert on Backups that Do Not Execute

To keep you better informed of the status of your Intronis Backups, you can now create an alert that lets you know if a backup does not execute.

Reports Reflect the Installed Version of the Intronis Backup Agent

To keep you informed of your version of the Intronis Backup Agent, reports now show the version number of the Intronis Backup Agent.

Export Reports from the Policy Report Page

You can now export a report from the Policy Report page.

Reports Include Missing Backups

To give you more transparency into backup jobs, SQL reports now include information on missing backups.

Easier customization of the Backup Report page

It's now easier to customize the categories displayed on the Intronis Backup Report page. By selecting or clearing the check box on the category icon, you can show and hide those categories in the Backup Report.

New Device Quick Search Available on Every Page

A new device quick search is available on the title bar of every page in Barracuda RMM. This search lets you quickly search for devices by full or partial device name or full or partial IP address. When you search for a device through the quick search, the page changes to the Status > Device Search page to display the results.

For more information, see Searching for a Device Using Quick Search.

MSI Install Package for Device Manager for Windows

The install package for the Device Manager for Windows is now available in .msi format as well as .exe. This option lets administrators install Device Mangers silently through domain policies or automation software.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.0 or higher on target devices

See Installing Device Managers.

Premium Remote Control Options Available at Site Creation

You can now automatically install Premium Remote Control on all devices when you create a site. The following options are available in the Site Creation Wizard:

  • Automatically install Premium Remote Control
  • Require Consent

The defaults for new sites are the options you have chosen through the Set default settings for new sites feature on the Sites > Site Management page. For more information, see Setting Premium Remote Control Options.

Advanced Software Management Improvements

Patch Now for Advanced Software Management

Users with Advanced Software Management enabled can now use the ASM Patch Now button to send patches to applicable devices off schedule.

The Patch Now feature is available on the ASM Patch Report page and Device Report page.

See Patching Third Party Applications with Patch Now.

Improved Device Status Display for Advanced Software Management

The status of devices (whether they are up or down) is now displayed beside each device on some Advanced Software Management pages. A colored icon now tells you the status of each device at a glance.

The status icon is now displayed on the following pages:

  • Advanced Software Management > Reports > Patch Report
  • Advanced Software Management > Reports > Device Report
  • Advanced Software Management > Settings > Approval Groups

New Auto-Application Rules for the Default Advanced Software Management Policy

Auto-application rules have been added to the default Advanced Software Management policy. You can use these rules as they are or customize them.

The rules are:

  • Device Role Category equals Windows Server
  • Or
  • Device Role Category equals Windows Workstation

See Understanding the Pre-Built Advanced Software Management policy.

Advanced Software Management Service Applied to New VARs by Default

Whenever a new VAR is created, a service titled "Advanced Software Management," containing the Advanced Software Management policy is applied to the VAR. If the VAR is not an Advanced Software Management customer, this service reports the status of patches for third-party software. If the VAR has a subscription, this service provides third-party patch configuration.

Device Overview Page Displays Full Windows 10 Versions for Devices

The full Windows 10 version is now displayed on the Device Overview page for Windows 10 devices. This information is displayed in the Operating System area, along with the installation type, either Client or Server.

This change does not affect auto inclusion rules, which continue to function based on the OS Build number.

Mac Improvements

We have introduced the following upgrades:

  • The macOS Prep Utility Now Supports Catalina and Big Sur.
  • For Mac devices, the recommended OS version is now 10.12 and higher.

Include the Site, Device, and Alert Configuration names in Alert Email Subject Lines

For faster alert processing, you now have the option to include the Site, Device, and Alert Configuration names in the Subject Line of the Alert Emails.

See Setting Default Email Options.

Sort Devices by Upgrade Status on the Site Overview > Device Managers page

You can now sort devices by their status on the Device Managers tab of the Site Overview page. Click Site Management > Sites, then the name of the site. Click the Device Managers tab, then the up or now arrow in the Upgrade Status column to quickly view devices sorted into by their upgrade status.

Changes to the Display of the Device Status Page

As of Barracuda RMM 12 SP4, on the Status > Device page, the WMI, SSH, and SNMP columns are displayed by default for new users, new installs, and new VARs. For existing users, installs, and VARs, the current user preferences do not change.

Improvements to the Reports Page

The following improvements have been made to the Reporting > Reports page:

  • Reports are displayed in a more readable way.
  • The Preview button has been moved to a more accessible location.
  • A search bar has been added to let you find your reports faster and easier.

Updates to Rules in Auto-Application and Site and Service Groups

The following changes have been made in the rules for auto-application and site and service groups:

Update to the Logical Drive Size Rule

When adding a new Logical Drive Size rule for auto-application or a site or service group, you can now identify the letter of the drive the threshold applies to. You can also apply to limit to all drives.


Existing Logical Drive Size rules continue to work the way they were set up.

The Device Name Rule Renamed

The rule formerly called Device Name is now named Device System Name to match the Device Overview page. This rule searches the System Name field.

Any existing Device Name rules you have are named Device System Name after upgrading and continue to work the way they were set up.

A New Device Name Rule

A new rule has been added. The Device Name rule searches a variety of name fields. The fields are searched in the following priority:

  • Alias
  • Computer Name
  • SSH Name
  • SNMP Name
  • Netbios Name

See Creating Automatic Inclusion Rules for Monitoring Policies.

Display Icons for Device Status on Patch Management Pages

The status of devices (whether they are up or down) is now displayed beside each device on some Patch Management pages. A colored icon now tells you the status of each device at a glance.

The status icon is now displayed on the following pages:

  • Patch Management > Settings > Approval Groups
  • Patch Management > Reports > Patch Report
  • Patch Management > Reports > Device Report

Activate and Disable Users on the User Management Page

You can now quickly activate and disable users directly on the User Management page. Click the icon in the Status column to change the user's status:

  • Active User: user_active.jpg
  • Disabled User: user_inactive.jpg

See Activating, Disabling, and Deleting a User Account.

New Microsoft Patch Management Default

The Microsoft Patch Management settings for new VARs now include all options enabled by default. This means that upgrades are included for Patch Management by default.

New Filtering Options for Applying Policies Manually

To save time when applying policies manually to Service Groups and Site Groups, you can now filter the group list in new ways.

When looking at Service Groups, you can filter on Folders. When looking at Site Groups, you can filter by Site.

Usability Improvements

To improve usability, several changes have been made:

  • The description for the Advanced Software Management service is now clearer.
  • You can now see the status of Device Managers on the Device Managers tab of the Site Management page for any site. A column with a status icon is displayed next to each device, showing if the status is up or down.

Additions to User History

The User History creates a record when:

  • A Microsoft Defender policy is created.
  • A Microsoft Defender policy is updated.
  • A Microsoft Defender policy is deleted.
  • A Microsoft Defender policy is copied.

Beta Testing of a New Central Dashboard

The preview of a new Central Dashboard that began in Barracuda RMM 12 SP2 continues in this release. This new Central Dashboard has been designed to improve performance and give you the tools to focus on the information that is important to you.

To test the new Central Dashboard, navigate to Dashboards > Central Dashboard , then click the Enable Beta View button. You can return to the standard dashboard at any time by clicking the Disable Beta View button.