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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Create a Script Package

  • Last updated on

When you create a script package, you must indicate the target platform type:

  • Windows OS
  • macOS
  • Unix/Linux

Only scripts that are compatible with the platform type that you select are available for the package.

When you create a package, you provide a name, version, and script category. You can optionally provide a description of the package and the author name.

For information on where files are stored, see Where Automation Files are Stored in Automation Requirements

  1. In Service Center, click Automation > Library.
  2. Click New Package.
  3. From the Choose Package Type list, select the package platform type.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Package Name box, type a name for the package.
  6. In the Version box, give the package a version number. Version numbers must be in the format of <num>.<num>.<num>.<num>.
  7. In the Author box, type your name.
  8. From the Category list, choose a scripting category for the package.
  9. In the Description box, type a description of the package. 
    You are now ready to add scripts to the package.

See Also