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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Previewing a Report

  • Last updated on

Previewing a Report

Previewing a report lets you run the report against a site or device that you choose so that you can see the generated output of a report.

Previewing a report is useful when you're creating a custom report using the supplied report sections. By previewing the report, you can see what the final report will look like as you're creating it. For more information, see Creating a Report.

You can also preview a report if you want to run a report against a site immediately without using a report policy. The report runs against the site, generating the full output of the report. You can then export the result in various formats, such as PDF or as an Excel workbook.

To preview a report
  1. In Service Center, click Reporting > Reports.
    • To view the reports with a folder view, ensure the Grouped check box is selected.
    • To view a list of reports, clear the Grouped check box.
  2. Locate the report you want to preview.

    To help you locate the report, you can search for a report using the Finding a Report procedure.

  3. Click Preview preview_reports.jpg.
  4. In the Report Viewer window, filter the report as desired and click Preview.

To export a previewed report

  1. Follow the Previewing a Report procedure.
  2. In the Report Viewer window, select one of the following output formats for the report:
    • Portable Document Format (PDF)
    • Web Archive (MHTML)
    • Excel Workbook (XLS)
    • TIFF
    • XML
    • CSV
    • Word
  3. Click Export > Open or Save, depending on your preference.

For more information about the limitations of exporting to various file types, see

To refresh a previewed report

  1. Follow the Previewing a Report procedure.
  2. In the Report Viewer window, click the Refresh icon refresh_en-us.gif.
To print a previewed report
  1. Follow the Previewing a Report procedure.
  2. In the Report Viewer window, click the Print icon.