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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Viewing Assessment Results

  • Last updated on

You have multiple options for viewing your security assessment results.

First, when you add a site to the Site Security Assessment, you’ll see a new tile on that site’s Site Overview page. The tile displays the overall site security score, and you can click it to go to the Site Security Dashboard, which shows you additional information.

On the Site Security Dashboard, you can sort results using various options, and also sort the results in ascending and descending order.

Once you click a site on the Site Security Dashboard, you can view the details of the Site Security Assessment, sorted by the following categories:

  • Site Security
  • Endpoint Security
  • Patch Security
  • User Security
  • Network Security

On the Security Assessment Details pages, you have additional options for controlling the display. You can change the display density, which controls the amount of space that test results take up on your screen, but you will see the same information no matter which option you choose.

You can also choose to hide the following tests:

  • Passed tests—Hides any tests that don’t lower your security score.
  • Unassessed security tests—Hides any tests that weren’t run because the necessary data couldn’t be retrieved or doesn’t apply to the site. For example, in a workgroup environment, domain tests wouldn’t be assessed.
Sorting Results on the Site Security Dashboard

The Site Security Dashboard displays a summary of the scores of each of the sites you have added to the Security Assessment.

To sort the list of sites, select two options:

  • Sort Options—Choose the column to sort by: Site Security Score, Site Name, Endpoint Security Score, Patch Security, or User Security.
  • Sort Direction—Choose the direction to sort: Ascending order or descending order.

For Site Name, ascending order is alphabetical from A-Z, and descending order reverse alphabetical, from Z-A.

The options you choose become the default. Whenever you log in with this user name, these will be the default options. However, you can change them at any time.

To Sort Results on the Site Security Dashboard
  1. In Service Center, click Dashboards > Site Security Dashboard.
  2. Click the Preferences button.
  3. In the Sort Options box, select one of the options.
  4. In the Sort Direction box, select one of the options.
  5. Click Save.