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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column Description
AutomatedTaskID Uniquely identifies an automated task.
AutomatedTaskResultType Identifies the type of automated task. Possible values are: Package, Script.
ScriptOrPackageName The name of the package or script executed.
ScriptOrPackageGuid Uniquely identifies the package or script executed.
ScheduledStartTime The scheduled date and time to start the execution.
PackageActualStartTime The date and time the execution started.
PackageActualEndTime The date and time of the end of the package execution. 
PackageSummaryOutcomeIDA numeric value representing the package status result. Possible values are:
0 or 2=Succeeded
5=System Error
PackageStatusThe status of the package deployment. Possible values are:
3=Pending, device is offline
4=Pending, downloading file from Service Center
5=Pending, device is busy
6=In Progress, transferring script to device
7=In Progress, task is executing
8=Script Error
9=System Error
12=Pending, task queued for execution
13=Pending Upgrade
14=Not Applicable
16=Service Shutdown
ScriptGuid A unique value to identify the script executed.
ScriptNameThe name of the script executed.

The type of schedule. Possible values are:
Daily (every hr)
Daily (every 2 hrs)
Daily (every 4 hrs)
Daily (every 6 hrs)
Daily (every 8 hrs)
Daily (every 12 hrs)
Once (triggered by alert)


ScheduleTypeIDRepresents the type of schedule. Possible values are:
IsQuickTaskExecutionIdentifies whether this Automated Task was created from a Quick Task (True) or not (False).
CreatorUserNameThe user name of the creator of this task.
Interval_MinsIdentifies how often this schedule recurs, in minutes. Possible values are:
ScriptActualEndTimeThe date and time the script execution completed. 
ScriptActualStartTimeThe date and time the script execution started. 
DeviceIDThe ID of the target device where the script will run.
DeviceGuidIdentifies the target device GUID where the script will run.
DeviceNameIdentifies the name of the target device where the script will run.
SiteNameThe Site name associated with the target Device where the script will run.
ScriptCodeThe status of the script deployment status. Possible values are:
3=Pending, device is offline
4=Pending, downloading file from Service Center
5=Pending, device is busy
6=In Progress, transferring script to device
7=In Progress, task is executing
8=Script Error
9=System Error
12=Pending, task queued for execution
13=Pending Upgrade
14=Not Applicable
16=Service Shutdown
PackageStatusResultA string that shows the status of the package deployment. Possible values are:
3=Pending, device is offline
4=Pending, downloading file from Service Center
5=Pending, device is busy
6=In Progress, transferring script to device
7=In Progress, task is executing
8=Script Error
9=System Error
12=Pending, task queued for execution
13=Pending Upgrade
14=Not Applicable
16=Service Shutdown
ScriptStatusResultA string that shows the status of the script deployment. Possible values are:
3=Pending, device is offline
4=Pending, downloading file from Service Center
5=Pending, device is busy
6=In Progress, transferring script to device
7=In Progress, task is executing
8=Script Error
9=System Error
12=Pending, task queued for execution
13=Pending Upgrade
14=Not Applicable
16=Service Shutdown

Automation errors for issues with MW infrastructure or delivery issues, which can be sent to the Service Center from the Onsite Manager.

These are not script errors.

Possible values are: 
-1=The default status for automated tasks. The automated task is not completed and there is no error available at the moment.
0=Sent by the OM when the automation task is completed without any system error detected.
1=There is not enough disk space in the OM/OML machine.
2=The Remote Execution Utility is missing from OM/OML.
3=OM fails to download the automated task files from SC via BITS,
4=OM/OML fails to download the automated task files from SC web service.
5=OM/OML fails to unzip the downloaded file.
6=Communication to the port 445 on the target device is blocked.
7=WMI was not accessible on the target device.
8=Connection to WMI on the target device returned unknown error.
9=Unable to connect to Admin Share for the target device.
10=Server service in the target device is not in running status.
11=Workstation Service in OM is not in running status.
12=PowerShell is not installed in the target device.
13=PowerShell execution policy is not set properly for the target device.
14=Invalid credential for admin share connection.
15=No enough storage volume on the target device.
16=Failed to transfer file to the target device.
17=Failed to create directory on the target device.
18=Automation Task timed out.
19=Generic Error(OM/OML caught an unknown error during automated task execution).
20=Device is offline.
21=This error is only used by Alert rule to clean the Site System alert.
22=Automation Task Parameters too long.
23=Failed to authenticate the SSH username and password.
24=SSH Connection is rejected by the peer.
25=Generic error occurred during ssh session.
26=The OS type of the target device is not one of the supported OSes of the script.
27=Perl is not found in the target device.
28=Python is not found in the target device.
29=Bash is not found in the target device.
30=sh is not found in the target device.
31=csh is not found in the target device.
32=ksh is not found in the target device.
33=SSH is not enabled in the target device.


 Additional error text that can be sent to the Service Center from the Onsite Manager regarding automation errors.

These are not script errors but issues with MW infrastructure or delivery issues

AlertLogIDRepresents the alert log ID associated with this Automated Task, if one exists.
ScriptErrorCodeThe return script execution result code.
ScriptStandardError The standard error returned by the script.
ScriptStandardOutput The output returned by the script.