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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on

Remote access sessions that were established to devices.

Column Description
SessionGuid A unique value used to identify a remote access session. The primary key for RemoteAccessSession records.
DeviceGuid The device that the remote access session was created for. The foreign key for the Device table.
UserID The user that initiated the remote access session. The foreign key for User table.
TimeStarted The date and time (in UTC) the session started.
TimeEnded The date and time (in UTC) the session ended.
ServicePort The number of the port the session was hosted on.
ServiceName The name of the remote access application.
ServiceParameters The command line parameters used to execute the remote access viewer on the client device.
HostIPAddress The IP address of the host device.
ClientDNSName The DNS name of the client device.
ClientIPAddress The IP Address of the client device.
Status The status of the session. Possible values are: 0 = Requested, 1 = Connected, 2 = Disconnected, 3 = Timed Out, 4 = Error
Notes Notes entered by the user who initiated the session.
TerminationReason A description of why the session was terminated.
TerminationReasonCode The session was terminated. Possible values are: 0 = Unknown, 1 = UserClosedClientApplication, > 1 = Error