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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


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Base information about a Windows device.

DeviceGuid The device that the system board belongs to.
AdminPasswordStatusThe system-wide hardware security settings for Administrator Password Status.
AutomaticManagedPagefileDetermines whether the automatic system managed pagefile is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This capability is not available on Windows Server 2003, XP, and lower.
AutomaticResetBootOptionDetermines whether the automatic reset boot option is enabled (TRUE), i.e. whether the machine will try to reboot after a system failure or not (FALSE).
AutomaticResetCapabilityDetermines whether the auto reboot feature is enabled on this computer (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This capability is available on Windows NT but not on Windows 95.
BootROMSupportedDetermines whether a boot ROM is supported (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
BootupStateSpecifies how the system was started. Fail-safe boot (also called SafeBoot) bypasses the user's startup files. Constraints: Must have a value.
CaptionA one-line description of the object.
ChassisBootupStateThe enclosure's bootup state.
CurrentTimeZoneThe amount of time the unitary computer system is offset from Coordinated Universal Time.
DaylightInEffectSpecifies if the daylight savings is in effect (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If TRUE, daylight savings is presently being observed.
Description A description of the object.
DNSHostNameThe DNS host name of the local computer.
DomainThe name of the domain to which the computer belongs.
DomainRoleThe role this computer plays within its assigned domain-workgroup. The domain-workgroup is a collection of computers on the same network. Possible values are: 0=Standalone Workstation, 1=Member Server, 2=Standalone Server, 3=Member Server, 4=Backup Domain Controller, 5=Primary Domain Controller
EnableDaylightSavingsTimeIndicates whether Daylight Savings Time is recognized on this machine (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If NULL, the status of DST is unknown on this system.
InstallDateThe date the object was installed. An object does not need a value to indicate that it is installed.
KeyboardPasswordStatus The system-wide hardware security settings for Keyboard Password Status.
Manufacturer The name of the computer manufacturer.
ModelThe product name of the computer. From the manufacturer.
Name The label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.
NetworkServerModeEnabled Determines whether Network Server Mode is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
NumberOfLogicalProcessors The number of logical processors currently available on the system.
NumberOfProcessors The number of physical processors currently available on the system, which is the number of processors whose status is enabled. Determined by enumerating the processor instances associated with the computer system object.
PartOfDomainIndicates whether the computer is part of a domain (TRUE) or workgroup (FALSE). If NULL, the computer is not part of a network group, or is unknown.
PCSystemType The type of PC a user is working with. For example, laptop, desktop, tablet-PC, etc.
PowerOnPasswordStatus Identifies the system-wide hardware security settings for Power On Password Status.
PowerState Indicates the current power state of the computer system and its associated operating system. Value 4 (Unknown) indicates the system is known to be in a power save mode, but its exact status in this mode is unknown; 2 (Low Power Mode) indicates the system is in a power save state but still functioning, and may exhibit degraded performance; 3 (Standby) indicates the system is not functioning but could be brought to full power 'quickly'; and value 7 (Warning) indicates the computerSystem is in a warning state, though also in a power save mode.
PowerSupplyStateIdentifies the state of the enclosure's power supply (or supplies) when last booted.
PrimaryOwnerNameThe name of the primary system owner.
ResetCapabilityIf enabled (value = 4), the unitary computer system can be reset via hardware (e.g. the power and reset buttons). If disabled (value = 3), hardware reset is not allowed. If not implemented, value = 5.
ResetCount The number of automatic resets since the last intentional reset. A value of -1 indicates that the count is unknown.

The number of consecutive time the system reset will be attempted. A value of -1 indicates that the limit is unknown.

StatusCurrent operational or non-operational status of an object. Operational statuses include: OK, Degraded, and Pred Fail, which is an element such as a SMART-enabled hard disk drive that may be functioning properly, but predicts a failure in the near future. Non-operational statuses include: Error, Starting, Stopping, and Service, which can apply during mirror-resilvering of a disk, reloading a user permissions list, or other administrative work.
SystemType Indicates the type of system running on the Win32 computer. Constraints: Must have a value.
ThermalStateIdentifies the enclosure's thermal state when last booted.
TotalPhysicalMemory Indicates the total size of physical memory. For example: 67108864.
UserNameIndicates the name of the currently-logged-on user. Constraints: Must have a value. For example: johnsmith.
WakeUpTypeIndicates the event that caused the system to power up.
WorkgroupThe name of the workgroup. This value is only valid if the PartOfDomain property is FALSE.