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Barracuda Backup

Export to Microsoft Azure

  • Last updated on

The Barracuda Backup redesigned user interface is currently in private preview and not yet generally available.


The Barracuda Data Protection team is working on a project to deliver a fully redesigned user experience for Barracuda Backup and Cloud-to-Cloud Backup for Microsoft 365. Along the way, we will be improving various aspects of both products and adding new capabilities.

The very first milestone in this project is to port data from the existing Barracuda Backup platform into our new platform that is also currently being used by Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup. The private preview will allow you to view backed up data in a version of our existing Cloud-to-Cloud Backup user interface.

In addition to browsing your data in this new interface, you will also be able to export data as a method of recovery. There are two export options: a local export (download) and an export to a Microsoft Azure storage account. While any data can be exported to Azure, we are focused on providing the ability to export VMware and Hyper-V virtual machines as a means of disaster recovery and recoverability testing. 

Access the New Interface

To access the new user interface, log into Barracuda Backup and select the Barracuda Backup appliance that you chose as the unit participating in the private preview. On the Dashboard, you should see a yellow banner at the top. Click the click here hyperlink. This will open a new browser tab with the new user interface.

Note: To view the banner message and access the new product functionality, your account must first be configured to do so. If you are interested in the new recovery capabilities, contact Barracuda Networks Technical Support or respond to the message from the Barracuda Data Protection Team informing you of the new Export to Azure feature.


The new user interface will have three navigation pages at the top: Dashboard, Protect, and Reports.


Browse Data

At this time, virtual machine browsing is not yet available; you can only browse to the virtual machine disk level for VMware and Hyper-V virtual machines.

To begin browsing your backed up data, select the Protect menu, and choose a data source category. These are the following data source categories available:

  • Exchange Message-Level – All data backed using the Barracuda Backup Exchange Message-Level backup feature. Includes mailboxes, folder structure, and email messages.

  • Hyper-V – All Hyper-V hosts and virtual machines. The file system and system state data for Hyper-V hosts can be found under the Systems & Applications category.

  • Network-Attached Storage – All data backed up using the CIFS/SMB file share backup method.

  • Systems & Applications – All data backed up using the Barracuda Backup Agent for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

  • VMware – All VMware hosts/clusters and virtual machines.


Export Data to Local File

  1. Select a data source category and browse/navigate to a desired file, folder, virtual disk, or other object. Select the item and click the Export button in the top right corner of the page.

  2. The Export dialog box displays. Select to export to Local File. Click Export.


  3. Selecting Local File will create an export job. To view the export status or to download the item, go to the Export section in the Dashboard. Click Download next to the item you want to download.
    Alternatively, go to the Reports page and click on the item you exported. Click Download.


Export Data to Microsoft Azure

This section details the steps required to export data to a Microsoft Azure storage account, which also includes steps on how to create an Azure Managed Disk from an exported virtual disk file and create an Azure virtual machine. 

Step 1: Export Data to Microsoft Azure
  1. Select a data source category and browse/navigate to a desired file, folder, virtual disk, or other object. Select the item and click the Export button in the top right corner of the page.


  2. The Export dialog box displays. Select to export to Microsoft Azure


Selecting Microsoft Azure will ask you for a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token. A shared access signature provides secure delegated access to resources in your Azure storage account. With a SAS, you have granular control over how a client can access your data.

For example:

  • What resources the client may access

  • What permissions the client has to those resources

  • How long the SAS is valid for

To generate a shared access signature:

  1. Log into your Microsoft Azure account and navigate to Storage accounts.

  2. Select your desired Azure storage account.

  3. Select Shared Access Signature from the left-hand menu, under the Security + networking section.

  4. The Export to Azure feature requires the following services, resource types, and permissions:

    • Allowed services – Blob

    • Allowed resource types – Service, Container, Object

    • Allowed permissions – Read, Write, Delete, List

  5. Set a start and expiry date/time for the shared access signature. Barracuda Networks recommends setting the expiration to 3-7 days, however it will depend on the size of the data being exported and the length of time to do so.


  6. Click the Generate SAS and connection string button.


  7. Copy the Connection string.

  8. Paste the connection string into the SAS token field in the Export to Microsoft Azure dialog box.


  9. Click the Export button.
    The export to Azure job will begin.

  10. To view the export status or to download the item, go to the Export section in the Dashboard, and then click Download next to the item you want to download, or go to the Reports page, click on the item you exported, and then click Download.
    Alternatively, you can access the data directly in your Azure storage account.

Step 2: Create an Azure Managed Disk

After you have exported the VMware (.VMDK) or Microsoft Hyper-V (.VHD) disk file, you can now create an Azure Managed Disk. This will be used to create an Azure virtual machine.

  1. From the Azure portal, navigate to the Disks page.


  2. Click the Create button.

  3. Fill in the required information on the Create a managed disk page. Under Source type, select Storage blob.


  4. Click Browse. Navigate to the newly created Source blob and select the storage blob. Ensure you select the correct OS type, VM generation, and VM architecture.

  5. Click Review + create.

  6. If the validation passes, click Create.

Step 3: Create a New Azure Virtual Machine 

Now that you have created an Azure Managed Disk from your original .VMDK or .VHD disk file, you can use the Azure Managed Disk with an existing or new Azure virtual machine.

  1. Select your newly created Azure managed disk to view the details.

  2. Click Create VM to create a new Azure virtual machine.


  3. Fill in the required information on the Create a virtual machine page. The image should list your newly created managed disk.

  4. If your virtual machine has multiple disks, the secondary disks must first be converted to Azure Managed Disks. Then when creating your Azure virtual machine, under the Disks page, click Attach an existing disk and select your secondary disk(s).
