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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

What’s New in Barracuda RMM 11 Service Pack 2

  • Last updated on

Assess Networks and Connections

Security Assessment includes a new category, Network Security.

Network Security tests the security of networks by evaluating:

  • if the User Account Control setting is on or off, which can prevent potentially harmful programs from making changes to your computer
  • the security of certain Wi-Fi networks that managed devices have connected to in the last seven days.

User Account Control settings determine if the user is notified before changes that require administrator-level permission are made to a device. This provides security by preventing malicious software from installing without a notification.

This assessment also includes an evaluation of Wi-Fi networks that users have saved in their device history in the last seven days. This includes Wi-Fi networks where users have chosen to click the Connect Automatically option, whether it was a network you maintain or the network at the user’s local café.

This assessment category includes tests for:

  • Whether the network uses open authentication
  • What authentication and encryption types are used
  • Ranking the password complexity

Adding the Network Security category required changes to the site scoring calculations. You will see differences in your scores when you upgrade to Barracuda RMM 11 Service Pack 2.

For more information, see Viewing Assessment Details.

Wi-Fi Network SSID Details

You can easily get more details on certain Wi-Fi networks that managed devices have connected to in the last seven days. To help you manage Wi-Fi security, you can see what authentication and encryption that Wi-Fi networks use, and assess the security of the site’s Wi-Fi password strength.

The Wi-Fi Networks displayed are the ones with WLAN profiles that can be found on managed devices. WLAN profiles are saved to devices when users choose to automatically connect to Wi-Fi networks. WLAN profiles that have been deleted from a device are not assessed.

For any site enrolled in Site Security Assessment, you can access this information from the Site Security Dashboard, Details pages, or the site’s Central Dashboard.

For more information, see Viewing Wi-Fi Network Details.

View the history and trends of your Site Security Assessments

The history of your Site’s Security Assessment is now tracked and visible on the Site Security Dashboard. The history is displayed in a visual format, as a graph next to each security category on each of the security dashboards.

You can customize the length of time that the graphs cover, as well as whether the history is tracked in days, weeks, or months.

To help you track the improvements in your Security Assessment score, the category boxes are now color-coded. Depending on the score in the category, the box appears in a different color, for example, by default, a category with a score of 30 appears in red. The colors of the boxes are completely customizable, and you can also control the range of values for each category color.

Each category box also shows an arrow, which shows whether the most recent assessment score has gone up or down compared to the previous score. The number displayed in each box shows the value of the change.

For more information, see Analyzing Security Score Trends.

Improvements to the Server Antivirus Software Detection test

The Server Antivirus Software Detection test in the Security Assessment now detects the following products:

  • ESET File Security for Microsoft Windows Server
  • G DATA Business Security
  • Bitdefender Endpoint Security
  • McAfee Endpoint Security Suite
  • Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security
  • F-Secure Server Security

For more information, see Assessing Site Security.

Easily View Configured Monitors and Alerts

The new Monitoring and Alerting Details view gives you an instant view of what alerts can be generated by policy modules, without having to open up the policy module. This feature delivers additional insight into the monitors and alerts set up on sites, so you can quickly identify if the policies you have set up fulfill your clients’ needs. This info can be exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

For more information, see Viewing the Monitors and Alerts in Monitoring Policies.

User History

The Status History page displays a record of actions that have been taken using Barracuda RMM, such as application of policies, changes to service plans, and site deletions. This audit provides greater transparency for actions being taken on sites, when they occurred, and who is responsible for them.

This feature can help with audit trails and compliance issues.

For more information, see About User Histories.

Additional Customization for Site Security reports

The following Site Security reports have improved customization:

  • Site Security Detailed Report
  • Site Security Report
  • Site Security Summary

Previous versions reported on the overall site security, but this version of Barracuda RMM introduces the ability to customize each of these reports to report on the site security categories. Now, you can create a report that will detail any of the following assessment categories:

  • Site Security
  • Antivirus Security
  • Patch Security
  • User Security
  • Network Security

The option to report on categories is included with all new Network Assessment reports. The Site Security Summary report also includes the option to report on multiple categories in the same report. Some of the reports also include the option to report on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

For more information, see Reporting on Security.

Site Security Assessment History reports

Barracuda RMM 11 Service Pack 2 includes reports that let you track the history of your Security Assessment scores on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can also track the trend of your Security Assessment scores, easily showing if your scores go up or down with each assessment.

For more information, see Generating Site Security History Reports.

Report Category Name Update

In Barracuda RMM 11 and 11 SP1, the new Site Security reports were placed in the Security Assurance report category. For Barracuda RMM 11 SP2 and beyond, they are placed in a category called Network Assessment. If these reports were previously in the Security Assurance category and you haven’t moved them, the new category is created in your Service Center and the reports are re-categorized. However, if you downloaded the reports and placed them in a different category, those reports will not be moved.

Enhancements to MWNOC reports

The MWNOC Site Monthly report has been updated to focus on Avast Antivirus, instead of other antivirus products. In addition:

If the site you’re reporting on is enrolled in Site Security Assessments, you will see a new table listing devices that have Antivirus installed.

The report can now provide information on all devices in a site, not just the ones managed by NOC.

Site Security Domain Users report

With this release, you can access the Site Security Domain Users report for any site that has a network assessment running, a new report that includes information on Active Directory Users and accounts. You can use this report to help with HIPAA and PCI compliance. This report shows:

  • Disabled Active Directory accounts
  • Inactive Active Directory accounts
  • Active Directory Accounts with Passwords that don’t expire
  • Device Exclusion report

The new Device Exclusion report lets you easily display the devices excluded from a Barracuda RMM site. For a specified time range, this site-level report lets you quickly summarize:

  • the number of excluded devices
  • a detailed description of each excluded device

New Limits on Auto-Inclusion Rules for Groups and Auto-Application Rules for Policies

For performance reasons, the following are now limited to a maximum of 15 rules:

  • auto-inclusion rules for groups
  • auto-application rules for policies

Removal of the Datto Service Module

The Datto Service Module for Barracuda RMM is no longer available.

Deprecation of Mobile Device Management

As of Barracuda RMM 11 SP2, Barracuda RMM will no longer offer Mobile Device Management because of lack of adoption. For partners that are currently using this feature, our technology partner, Centrify, offers an established mobile device management solution. For more information on Centrify MDM, contact your Account Manager directly.