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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column TypeDescription
IDintThe Device ID.
DeviceGuid uniqueidentifier A globally unique identifier for the Device.
StateintIndicates the installation state of the Cloudcare Agent and antivirus. Possible values are:
0 = Not Installed
1 = Install Pending
2 = Installing
3 = Install Fail
4 = Installed
5 = Uninstall Pending
6 = Uninstalling
7 = Uninstall Fail
8 = Uninstalled
9 = Update Pending
10 = Updating
11 = Update Fail
12 = Updated
AVStatus nvarchar(50)Indicates the state of antivirus on the device.
InstallDatedatetimeThe date and time antivirus was installed. This property does not require a value to indicate that the object is installed.
AgentVersion nvarchar(32) Indicates the version of the Cloudcare Agent.
ClientVersion varchar(93) Indicates the version of Avast Antivirus.
VirusDBVersion varchar(61) Indicates the version of the antivirus database.
VirusDefinationStatus nvarchar(80) Indicates whether the virus definition is out of date.
LastDefinationUpdate datetime The date and time the virus definition was last updated.