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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Moving Service Centers - Hosted

  • Last updated on

Changes may be required on the destination server, so be sure to have installation files available for the operating system.

When moving to one or more servers, there are important networking changes that may be required to ensure that Barracuda RMM functions normally once completed.

Database connections Keep in mind that if you are using Windows authentication, you must ensure there are no restrictions on the user account that will impact the success of connections once the database has been moved to the destination server.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Use of SSL on the Service Center websites requires the host name or IP address defined in the certificate be maintained on the destination server. If the host name or IP address changes, you will have to generate and use a new certificate.

Domain Name System (DNS) Requires that the destination server receives the same IP address as the originating server or that the DNS record is updated with the destination server’s IP address.

Network Address Translation (NAT) Requires that ports that had been forwarded to the originating server be forwarded to the destination server, if the IP address changes.

PSA integration settings May need to be updated if the host name or IP address changes.

SQL version The destination server must be updated to the same version (including service pack) as the originating server or a higher version. The same collation settings must have been specified during the install.


  • If the destination server for the Service Center application will not be receiving the same DNS as the originating server, you must provide the new address to Onsite Managers and Device Managers before proceeding. To do this, update the Service Center Website Communications Settings. For more information, refer to the “Customizing Service Center” chapter in the Barracuda RMM User Guide.
  • You must use identical settings for the destination report server as were in place for the originating report server. Any configuration differences on the destination server will cause reporting to not be available. Use the SQL Reporting Services Configuration utility to confirm settings on both servers are identical prior to proceeding.

You must have sufficient space to create a back up of the Service Center databases before beginning.

Migration Scenarios
Current installation
Follow these procedures. below
Single serverSingle server
  • To Move Service Center and SQL Databases to a New Server
Single serverSQL to a different server
  • To Move Service Center SQL Databases
Single server

Service Center to a different server

  • To Move a Service Center application
Single server
  • SQL to a different server, and
  • Service Center to a different server
  • To Move Service Center SQL Databases
  • To Move a Service Center application

Two serversSQL to a different server
  • To Move Service Center SQL Databases
Two servers

Service Center to a different server

  • To Move a Service Center application
Two servers
  • SQL to a different server, and
  • Service Center to a different server
  • To Move Service Center SQL Databases
  • To Move a Service Center application
Report server
  • to a different report server
  • To Move a Report Server

The steps you need to take to move your Service Center depend on your current installation and where you intend to move the installation.


The following procedures assume you are moving your deployment to completely new servers.

  • Update the operating systems on the destination servers
  • Update SQL on the destination servers
  • Enable/install all Service Center prerequisites such as IIS and .NET framework
To Move Service Center and SQL Databases to a New Server

Use this procedure if you are moving a single server deployment of Barracuda RMM to a single new server. For other migrations, consult the Migration Scenarios table, above.

Review the Prerequisites for this procedure, above.

Windows authentication Windows authentication can only used when Service Center and SQL Server reside on the same server and are both being moved to a different server, where they will both reside. For example, if Service Center and SQL Server are both uninstalled from Server A and reinstalled on Server B, Windows authentication may be used. If Service Center is reinstalled on Server C or if SQL Server is being moved from Server D to Server B, Windows authentication does not apply.

  1. Locate the installer for your current version of Service Center. You must install the same version of Service Center as you uninstall. Make a note of any hotfixes installed.
  2. Uninstall the Service Center application using Windows. Depending on your version of Windows, you will do this using either Programs and Features or Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
    If moving database servers (listed below), create backups and restore them to the destination database server.
      • SCMaster
      • SCData_Default
      • ReportServer
      • ReportServerTemp.DB
      • MWUS

      The databases are backed up and restored using native SQL functionality. For more information, see Backing Up and Restoring Databases.

      Moving the Report Server databases requires additional steps to ensure that the destination server is using a valid encryption key for the contents. You cannot backup and restore the databases. For more information, see  Backing Up and Restoring Databases .

  3. Install Service Center, ensuring you install the same version as you uninstalled. When prompted, select the destination database server and choose to keep the existing database. Complete the install and register Service Center.
  4. Install any required hotfixes.
  5. Make any environmental changes (such as port-forwarding or DNS updates) so that Onsite Managers and Device Managers resume communications, and to verify that the Communication Settings located in the Service Center website (Configuration > System Settings > Communication Settings tab) are correct or need to be updated.
  6. If using Windows authentication, once the install is complete, ensure that the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM local system account has been created and has sysadmin privileges.

If your Service Center application was configured for SSL, you may need to re-imported the SSL certificate to IIS. Refer to the certificate vendor’s documentation for specific instructions.

To Move Service Center SQL Databases
  • Review the Prerequisites for this procedure, above.
  • If you are moving the Service Center application following this procedure, you do not need to move the MWSessionState database because it is re-created during the Service Center application.
  1. Stop the following Windows services, and disable them so they don’t interact with SQL:
    • SCMonitor
    • World Wide Web Publishing Service


      Do not shut down the server instead of following this step.

  2. Backup the following SQL databases from the origin server and restore them to the destination server:
    • SCData_Default
    • SCMaster
    • MWUS
  3. Follow the To Move a Report Server procedure, below.
  4. On the existing application server, run the following application to update the database connection to the new SQL server:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Level Platforms\Service Center\Bin\SCDatabaseConfigurationTool.exe



    If this step is not completed, you will experience problems installing service center on the new server.

    If you are not using a local connection, ensure you log in with an SQL Account, not an NT user or Domain account.

  5. Re-enable and restart the following:
    • SCMonitor
    • IIS services
  6. Once the Service Center initializes, log in and ensure it is functioning.
  7. Check the logs for SQL login failures.
  8. If the databases were detached and re-attached, or backed up and restored, you may need to call Support to reconfigure the database for background SQL agent jobs that process incoming data, as well as maintenance to clear old data.
To Move a Service Center Application

Review the Prerequisites for this procedure, above.

  1. Uninstall the Service Center application from the original server.
  2. Update Windows on the destination server.
  3. Preload .NET Framework 4.8 and Advanced Services or later on the destination server.

    .NET Framework 4.8 and Advanced Services is the minimum required version.

  4. Use the Service Center installer to install the Service Center prerequisites.
  5. Use the Service Center installer to install Service Center.
  6. (Optional) Verify the SMTP settings in both Report Server (see Configure a Report Server for E-Mail Delivery) and Service Center (Configuration > System Settings > Alerting). Send a test email to verify that emails are still working. If the origin Service Center server had the SMTP service enabled and configured as a local relay, then this will need to be corrected.
To Move a Report Server

You may want to move the report server when moving Service Center. You may also want to move the report server to a dedicated server to isolate the report server from other Service Center components.

When moving the report server, depending on the version of SQL, it is possible that the new server will attempt to enable scale-out deployment, which Barracuda RMM does not support. The solution to this issue is to remove the origin report server from the scale-out by following the Add and Remove Encryption Keys for Scale-Out Deployment procedure from Microsoft.


When moving a report server, use the identical settings on the destination server as are in use on the origin server. Differences in the settings could cause reporting to be unavailable. Use the SQL reporting services configuration utility to confirm the settings on both servers are identical before proceeding.

Review the Prerequisites for this procedure, above.

  1. Follow the following procedures from Microsoft:
  2. Once the report server is moved, check that it will be configurable through Barracuda RMM by following the How to successfully configure SQL Report Server Integration procedure.