There are several options you can set for the maintenance schedule, such as:
- how often the schedule repeats
- the types of alerts that are suppressed
- what sites, groups, and devices are included
Setting a Maintenance Schedule to Run Once
Maintenance schedules can repeat on a recurring basis, but you can also create a maintenance period that only occurs once.
If a maintenance schedule is not set to repeat, it is removed from the list of schedules when it finishes running.
- In the Schedule area, select the Run Once check box.
Setting a Maintenance Schedule to Run Daily
Maintenance schedules can be set to run once a day. If you set the maintenance schedule to run daily, the schedule runs once every 24 hours, beginning at the time in the Start Date box and continuing for the length of time set in the Duration box.
Schedules stay on the list until they are not scheduled to run in the future, when they are removed automatically. If you do not set an end date, the maintenance schedule remains in the list on Configuration > Schedules > Maintenance indefinitely. If you establish an end date, then the schedule is removed from the list on that end date.
For example, if you set the schedule to run every day at 9 a.m., and you set the end date of the recurrence to January 1, the schedule is removed from the list after it runs on January 1.
- In the Schedule area, select the Recurring check box.
- Select the Daily check box.
- Do one of the following:
- Select the No End Date check box.
- Select the End Date check box, then type a date or click the calendar icon to select the date.
- Click Save.
Setting a Maintenance Schedule to Run Weekly
Using a weekly maintenance schedule, you can define a time period during which alerts are suppressed, and you can repeat that time period on specific days of the week. For example, you can choose to have the schedule run twice a week by indicating that it runs on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Schedules stay on the list until they run for the final time when they are removed. If you do not set an end date, the maintenance schedule remains in the list on Configuration > Schedules > Maintenance indefinitely. If you establish an end date, then the schedule is removed from the list after it runs for the final time. For example, if the schedule runs on Mondays and Tuesdays and the end date falls on a Thursday, the schedule is removed after it runs for the final time on Tuesday.
- In the Schedule area, select the Recurring check box.
- Select the Weekly check box.
- Select the check boxes of the days of the week you want to run the maintenance schedule.
- Do one of the following:
- Select the No End Date check box.
- Select the End Date check box, then type a date or click the calendar icon to select the date.
- Click Save.
Setting a Maintenance Schedule to Run Monthly
Monthly maintenance schedules allow you to determine a time period on one day a month when alerts are suppressed, for example, the first, fifth, or last day of the month. Or, you can select a day and week, for example, the second Tuesday of the month.
Maintenance schedules stay on the list until they are not scheduled to run in the future when they are removed. If you do not set an end date, the maintenance schedule remains in the list on Configuration > Schedules > Maintenance indefinitely. If you set an end date, the maintenance schedule is removed from the list after it runs for the final time.
For example, you might set the schedule to run on the first Monday of every month and set the end date of January 31. The schedule is removed from the list after it has run for the last time, so if the first Monday of the month is January 1, the schedule is removed after it runs on January 1 because it is not scheduled to run again.
- In the Schedule area, select the Recurring check box.
- Select the Monthly check box.
- Do one of the following:
- Select the Every month on the date check box, then select a date from the drop-down list.
- Select the Every month on check box, then select a week, then select a day of the week.
- Do one of the following:
- Select the No End Date check box.
- Select the End Date check box, then type a date or click the calendar icon to select the date.
- Click Save.