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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Scripts, Automation Packages, and Tasks

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In Barracuda RMM, a script consists of one or more files that are transferred to devices to perform an action along with some metadata. Metadata includes the script name, the file to be executed, a category, a version, the minimum version of Barracuda RMM required, and the author's name. Metadata may also include parameters. For scripts that are contained in .ZIP files, the file to be executed within the .ZIP file is also in the metadata.

Barracuda RMM includes a library of scripts that you can use to perform a number of maintenance and remediation tasks on devices, including:

  • Install applications such as WinRAR, Google Chrome, Adobe Reader, and Microsoft Security Essentials.
  • Desktop management functions such as creating local users, changing computer names, deleting files, and disabling guest accounts.
  • Active Directory management such as creating and deleting Active Directory users, changing the domain administrator password, listing all domain users, and disabling a domain user account.
  • Windows Server management tasks such as creating a network share, and restarting MWExpertSystem.

The provided scripts are read-only. If you want to modify a provided script, copy it on the Library page, and modify the copy.

More advanced users can create scripts and add them to Barracuda RMM. The Library also includes three script templates, one for PowerShell, one for VBScript, and one for Python, that you can copy and export from Barracuda RMM, modify as needed, and then re-import. For more information, see Adding a Quick Task.

Automation Packages

An automation package is a group of two or more scripts bundled together to be executed in sequence. Barracuda RMM includes several automation packages that you can use to perform multi-script actions within a single task. The scripts in an automation package can have parent-child relationships, in which the child script only executes based on a designated outcome from the parent script.

For more ideas on what you can do with a script package, and to learn how to create one, see Creating Automation Packages .

Tasks and Quick Tasks

A task is a script or automation package that has been scheduled to run immediately or in the future. Tasks include the script or automation package to be run, the time or recurring time when it is to run, and can include advanced configurations such as alerting and timeout behavior. See Scheduling Tasks.

A quick task is a script or automation package with some or all of the parameters pre-set, for ease of use. You can set up multiple quick tasks on a single script or package, which is helpful when you want to pre-set the script parameters to certain values. You can also schedule quick tasks just like a regular task. See Adding a Quick Task.