You can identify the script outcomes that will result in the termination of the package execution when it is scheduled as a task. If you set a termination condition on a parent script, the child scripts associated with it will not run.
- In Service Center, click Automation > Library.
- To access the script package you want to modify, do one of the following:
- In the Name column, begin typing the name of the script package.
- Click the > beside the Category in which the script package resides.
- Click the name of the script package.
- In the Package Content area, click the name of the script for which you want to set a package termination condition.
- In the Package Termination Conditions area, click Add.
- From the Condition list, select the type of condition.
- In the Value box, type the text of the return code, standard error, or standard output that you selected in the previous step.
- Click Save.