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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Initiating a Remote Control Session by Launching LogMeIn Pro

  • Last updated on

LogMeIn Pro uses a web-based remote access mechanism, while the client PC must have the end-user software installed. You can access the client PC by logging on to the Web UI through the credentials set in Barracuda RMM, then selecting the client PC from the list.

When the LogMeIn Pro client is installed on a client PC, Onsite Manager retrieves the Client ID to allow access. Additionally, your LogMeIn Pro Company ID and PSK (encryption key) must be entered in System Settings. These credentials are provided to you when you create a LogMeIn account. For more information on configuring LogMeIn Pro in System Settings, see Configuring a Custom Third Party Integration.

  1. In Service Center, click Status > Devices.
  2. Locate the device to which you want to initiate a remote control session.
  3. Click the device name and then click Remote Control from the right sidebar.
  4. In the Remote Services section, from the Service list, select LogMeIn Pro.
  5. If Onsite Manager could not collect a Client ID from the device, the Hostname box appears for you to provide the remote machine host name.
  6. Click Connect.

LogMeIn Pro launches in a web browser. You are prompted to log in to the local computer. After entering the local log in credentials, click the Remote Control link to remote to the device.

If you have made changes to the LogMeIn Pro settings, click Save to save them, or Undo if you made a mistake. At any time, you can click Restore.

See also