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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Using Premium Remote Control and Premium Remote Control On Demand

  • Last updated on

Click the video below for an introduction to using Premium Remote Control and Premium Remote Control On Demand:

Using Premium Remote Control, you can connect to devices, Windows or non-Windows, that are managed by Barracuda RMM from any browser.

Premium Remote Control On Demand has two options:

  • Premium Remote Control On Demand (Fast Launch): Clicking Premium Remote Control On Demand > Start Session (Fast Launch) from the top menu lets you connect to devices, regardless of the operating system, whether Barracuda RMM manages the device or not. Fast Launch requires that you have the PRC Client Application installed on your computer.
  • Premium Remote Control On Demand (Stand Alone Executable): Clicking Premium Remote Control On Demand > Start Session (Stand Alone Executable) from the top menu lets you connect to devices, regardless of operating system, whether they are managed by Barracuda RMM or not. The Stand Alone Executable doesn't require you to have the PRC Client Application installed on your computer. The Stand Alone Executable launches slower than Fast Launch.

Before You Use Premium Remote Control On Demand (Fast Launch) or Premium Remote Control

To use Premium Remote Control On Demand (Fast Launch) or Premium Remote Control, you must install the Premium Remote Control application. It is not required for Premium Remote Control On Demand (Stand Alone Executable).

To Install the Premium Remote Control Application
  • Do one of the following:
    • In Service Center, click the Premium Remote Control On Demand button PRConDemand.png, then click Download Premium Remote Control.
    • Navigate to the device's Device page. Click Premium Remote Control on the Management menu. Click the Download the application link.

Initiating a Remote Control Session Using Premium Remote Control

To initiate a Remote Control Session using Premium Remote Control:

  • The Premium Remote Control application must be installed on your device.
  • The Premium Remote Control agent must be installed on the managed device.

In most cases, the agent is automatically installed on the device when Premium Remote Control is enabled on the Site Management page. However, if you need to install it, you can install from the Device page when initiating a remote session, or you can try to install the Premium Remote Control agent on all devices in a site by following the Retrying Premium Remote Control Installation for Sites procedure.

Did you know you can record your Premium Remote Control support session? To view the recorded session, you can download the ISL player from

Premium Remote Control and macOS Devices

Premium Remote Control will not install on a macOS device managed by an Onsite Manager unless the macOS Prep Utility has been run on the macOS device.

See Deploying Onsite Manager within a Domain.

Premium Remote Control and iOS Devices

Premium Remote Control sessions can be initiated from iOS devices such as iPad. However, you can only connect the current console, you cannot select a different session. Remote Control On Demand sessions cannot be initiated from iOS devices at this time.

To initiate Remote Control Session using Premium Remote Control
  • If you want to use chat during your Premium Remote Control session, you must go to the device's Device page and select the Enable Chat button before starting your session.
  • The first time you initiate a session with a macOS Mojave (10.14) device, you may be asked for additional confirmation.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • On any page where the device you want to connect to is listed, click the Shortcut icon shortcut_arrow.jpg, then Premium Remote Control.
    • On the Device page of the device you want to connect to, click the Shortcut icon shortcut_arrow.jpg, then Premium Remote Control.
    • On the Device page of the device you want to connect to, click Premium Remote Control in the Management menu on the right side. Click Connect.

    You can navigate to the device's page several ways, including clicking Status > Devices, then clicking the device name, or clicking Dashboards > Central Dashboard, then, in the Service Plan Application section, clicking the number under Devices, then clicking the device name.

    If the Premium Remote Control agent is not detected on the target device, click the Install Premium Remote Control button to install it remotely. This installs the agent automatically and requires no further action from the device user.

  2. (Optional) If a remote session is already in progress and you want to join it, select an option in the box:
    • Console - To initiate a Premium Remote Control session with the device.
    • Other option - To join an RDP session already in progress.

    You may not see one or more of these options if there are no other sessions in progress.

  3. Click Continue.

    If you need to remove the Premium Remote Control agent from a device, Barracuda RMM includes scripts to uninstall Remote Control. To run the script on a device, go to Automation > Library, and select one of the following scripts:

    • Uninstall Business Premium Remote Control MAC
    • Uninstall Business Premium Remote Control WIN
Initiating a Fast Launch Premium Remote Control On Demand Session

For Fast Launch, the Premium Remote Control client must be installed on your device.

The first time you initiate a session with a macOS Mojave (10.14) device, you may be asked for additional confirmation.

Did you know you can record your Premium Remote Control On Demand support session? To view the recorded session, you can download the ISL player from

  1. On any page, click the Premium Remote Control On Demand button PRConDemand.png on the top bar and click Start Session (Fast Launch) on the menu.
  2. The Premium Remote Control application starts and you are logged in automatically.

    A session window is launched, which displays:

    • The session code,
    • An Invite button, which will create an email with a link to the session, and
    • An Options button which allows you to modify the session options.
  3. Optionally, to enable a chat window during the remote session, click the Options link, then select the Chat check box. Note that using chat requires additional connection time.
  4. Click Invite.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Type an email address and click Send.
    • Or click the Open an e-mail link to open the invitation in your Email client. The email template is sent from your local mail client to avoid spam filter problems.
  6. Your customer clicks on the link in the email and then clicks Allow Access.

    • On Demand session history can be accessed via the Premium Remote Control On Demand button and choosing Session History.
    • You can enter session notes for each individual session.
  7. Click Continue.
Initiating a Stand Alone Executable Premium Remote Control On-Demand Session

Using Premium Remote Control On Demand (Stand Alone Executable), you can launch an on-demand session from a Windows or Mac computer. Customers can accept on-demand sessions from Windows or Mac computers, regardless of which type of computer they received the invitation from.

The advantage of using Premium Remote Control (Stand Alone Executable) is that nothing is installed on the computer you launch from. However, it is slower than Premium Remote Control (Fast Launch). We recommend using Fast Launch unless you are launching from a computer that doesn't belong to you.

The first time you initiate a session with a macOS Mojave (10.14) device, you may be asked for additional confirmation.

 Launching a Stand Alone Executable Premium Remote Control On-Demand Session - Windows
  1. On any page, click Premium Remote Control On Demand button PRConDemand.png on the top bar and click Start Session (Standalone Executable) on the menu.
  2. The startup executable is downloaded to your computer. Run the executable.
  3. The Premium Remote Control application starts, and you are logged in automatically.

    A session window is launched, which displays:

    • The session code,
    • An Invite button, which will create an email with a link to the session, and
    • An Options button which allows you to modify the session options.
  4. Optionally, to enable a chat window during the remote session, click the Options link, then select the Chat check box. Note that using chat requires additional connection time.
  5. Click Invite.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • Type an email address and click Send.

    • Or click the Open an e-mail link to open the invitation in your Email client. The email template is sent from your local mail client to avoid spam filter problems.

  7. Your customer clicks on the link in the e-mail and then clicks Allow Access.

    • On Demand session history can be accessed via the Premium Remote Control On Demand button and choosing Session History.
    • You can enter session notes for each individual session.
  8. Click Continue.
Launching a Stand Alone Executable Premium Remote Control On- Demand Session - Mac OS

The first time you initiate a session with a macOS Mojave (10.14) device, you may be asked for an additional confirmation.

  1. On any page, click Premium Remote Control On Demand button PRConDemand.png on the top bar and click Start Session (Standalone Executable) on the menu.
  2. PrcOnDemand.dmg is downloaded to your computer.
  3. Click PrcOnDemand.dmg to mount it.
  4. Navigate to the Premium Remote Control folder and double-click the Premium Remote Control icon.

    A session window is launched, which displays:

    • The session code,
    • An Invite button, which will create an email with a link to the session, and
    • An Options button which allows you to modify the session options.
  5. Optionally, to enable a chat window during the remote session, click the Options link, then select the Chat check box.

    Using chat requires additional connection time.

  6. Click Invite.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • Type an email address and click Send.
    • Or click the Open an e-mail link to open the invitation in your Email client. The email template is sent from your local mail client to avoid spam filter problems.
  8. Your customer clicks on the link in the e-mail and then clicks Allow Access.

    • On Demand session history can be accessed via the Premium Remote Control On Demand button and choosing Session History.
    • You can enter session notes for each individual session.
  9. Click Continue.
On-Demand E-mail Templates

The email template can be modified by doing the following

  1. Navigate to Configuration > System Settings.
  2. Select the Remote Control page.
  3. Modify the email template in the On Demand Invitation Template section.
  4. Click Save.
  5. To return to the default template, click Restore Default and Save.
Accepting an On-Demand Session - Windows
  • The customer clicks the link in the invitation email and then clicks Allow Access. An executable is downloaded to your customer's computer and automatically connects to your session.
Accepting an On-Demand Session - Mac OS
  1. Your customer clicks on the link in the e-mail and then clicks Allow Access.
  2. A .dmg downloads to your customer's computer. The .dmg is named Business Premium Remote Control [session#], where [session#] is the number of the session.
  3. The customer clicks the .dmg to mount it, then double-clicks the Business Premium Remote Control installer.