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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

About Installation - Hosted

  • Last updated on

Review all documentation prior to performing an installation so that you are familiar with the procedures involved.

Installing Service Center

Virtual Service Centers are provisioned by the hosting provider. If you do not have your access information, contact your Account Manager and the information will be sent to you.

Important: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 is no longer a supported operating system.

The first time you log in to Service Center, an End User License Agreement appears. You must accept the license agreement before proceeding with the login.

Best Practice: Create a password for the Admin account. In the Status Pane along the top left-hand corner of Service Center, click Admin. When the User Configuration dialog box for the account opens, click Reset Password and enter and confirm a strong password, saving when you have done so.

Adding Application Servers

When starting out hosting Barracuda RMM, it is customary to begin with two application servers at a minimum. This allows you to balance the load between the servers as you on-board more VARs with Service Centers.

Adding application servers after the first one is installed is very simple. Perform the install following the exact same procedure you followed for the first one. Then, make sure the IP address of the new application server is added to the load-balancer.

Important: The MW Remote Desktop service, which manages legacy remote control connections, must only be running on a single application server. On all others, disable the service. If you originally installed Barracuda Managed Workplace 2011 or later, you can safely ignore this requirement as the service will never be accessed.

Important: Each application server must be able to contact each other application server locally in order for mobile device management to function correctly in environments with multiple application servers.

Firewall rules required for multiple application servers

The MW installer doesn’t create the firewall rules that are required for multiple application server configurations. As a result, the creation of a new VAR may fail when installed on multiple application servers with certain firewall rules in place.

To ensure successful VAR creation, add the following rules to Windows Firewall on each application server you want to use:

  • %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe
  • %ProgramFiles% (x86)\Level Platforms\Service Center\Bin\SCMonitor.exe
  • %ProgramFiles% (x86)\Level Platforms\Service Center\Bin\SCWorker.exe
To Add Rules to Windows Firewall
  1. In Windows, click Start > Control Panel.
  2. Click Windows Firewall.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. Click Inbound Rules.
  5. Click New Rule.
  6. Click Program.
  7. Click the This Program Path button and type the following:
    • %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Action step, click Next.
  10. In the Profile step, click Next.
  11. In the Name step, type a name for the rule, then click Finish.
  12. Repeat steps 3 to 13 twice, typing the following paths in step 7:
    • %ProgramFiles% (x86)\Level Platforms\Service Center\Bin\SCMonitor.exe
    • %ProgramFiles% (x86)\Level Platforms\Service Center\Bin\SCWorker.exe
  13. Repeat this procedure for each application server you want to use in your installation.
Defining an Application Server for Mobile Device Management

The mobile device management service is controlled by a single application server, even when multiple application servers are available. A single web service connection is accepted from all Android and Blackberry mobile devices enrolled for Service Centers hosted by the system, as are transient connections from the Service Centers when users send immediate commands to these devices.

  1. Using SQL Management Studio, connect to the Service Center database server.
  2. Open the SCMaster database and open the Configuration table. Enter the IP address of the application server to host mobile device management in the TunnelServerHost record. This IP address must be accessible to all of the application servers in the environment.
  3. On the selected application server, open \Level Platforms\Service Center\SCMdmWindowsServices\TunnelServer\TunnelServer.exe.config and edit <Add Port=”7778” Address=””> to read <Add Port=”7778” Address=””>.
  4. Confirm that all application servers have access to port 7778 on the selected application server.
  5. Using the Windows Service Control Manager, locate the TunnelService service. Right-click it and choose Restart.
  6. On each application server, restart the MWPool application pool from within IIS.