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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Onsite Manager Requirements - Hosted

  • Last updated on

Onsite Manager

Onsite Manager is not typically resource-intensive, but can be depending on the number of devices under management and monitoring configuration. Dedicated Onsite Manager servers are recommended for larger sites to avoid resource contention impacting the performance of Onsite Manager or other roles the server performs.


Memory and disk space requirements listed in this section must be dedicated to Onsite Manager, so additional resources are required for the server operating system and any other roles performed.

All Onsite Manager configurations require the following:

  • 10 GB free space in the system volume for the application and database files
  • 30 GB free space for storing Microsoft updates if storing patches locally
  • System hardware requirements as listed in the table below:


Size of Site

Hardware Requirements

Additional RAM Required for Patch Management

Small (up to 15 devices, including 1 server)

Dual core processor with 4 GB RAM

4 GB

Medium (up to 75 devices, including 15 servers)

Dual core processor with 6 GB RAM

4 GB

Large (up to 256 devices, including 30 servers)

Dual core processor with 8 GB RAM

4 GB

Enterprise 1 (up to 500 devices, including 50 servers)

Contact technical support for assistance in optimizing configuration. Multiple Onsite Managers or combinations of Onsite Managers and Device Managers may be used.


Enterprise 2 (up to 1000 devices including 100 servers)

  • To allow for growth, it is recommended that you dedicate between 4 and 8 GB of RAM for the Onsite Manager for optimal performance regardless of site size.
  • If you choose to use patch management in Barracuda RMM, the Onsite Manager machine must have at least 4GB of RAM.
  • It is not recommended to install software on Exchange servers or Hyper-V hosts, as these systems are typically extremely busy, and an installation could result in resource contention.
  • Additionally, it is not recommended that you install Onsite Manager on domain controllers, which can pose a security risk.
  • For Barracuda RMM 11 SP2 MR1 and later, the Onsite Manager installer download for Windows is in .zip format instead of .exe and must be extracted during the default and advanced install processes.

All the software listed in this section has passed performance testing with Barracuda RMM 10.0. While it may be possible to install on other versions of Windows or other required applications, it is not recommended because support may be limited for any products not explicitly listed.


The following installer is required:

  • Windows Installer 4.5
Operating System

See Managed Device Operating System Requirements - Hosted.

Naming Conventions

The computer name of machines must adhere to the following RFC for patch caching to work correctly:

Database Server

Onsite Manager installs one of the following:

  • If the device it is installed on supports Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express, the Onsite Manager installs a dedicated instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express.
  • Otherwise, the Onsite Manager installs a dedicated instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express .

If you try to upgrade an Onsite Manager that uses a version of Microsoft SQL Management Studio Express that is no longer supported, the upgrade fails. Instead, you can follow the Moving an Onsite Manager procedure.

Best Practice

Installing Microsoft SQL Management Studio Express provides an interface to take back ups and interact with the database. This install also requires Microsoft PowerShell 1.0, also available.

Application Framework

The following application framework is required:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 or higher
External Network Requirements

The following table lists the networking requirements for Onsite Manager.

Default Port

80 TCP outbound

Communicating with Service Center over HTTP and using BITS

443 TCP outbound

Communicating with Service Center over HTTPS and using BITS

Sites with an Onsite Manager contact a web service at regularly to determine the Internet facing external IP address.

Internal Mandatory Network Requirements

These ports must be open between Onsite Manager and the managed devices for discovery and monitoring. If SNMP or Syslog monitoring is not taking place, the associated ports do not need to be open. Inbound and outbound qualify the direction between Onsite Manager and the managed devices, not the Internet.

Default Port

53 UDP inbound and outbound

Domain Name System (DNS) resolution

135 and 445 TCP inbound and outbound

WMI monitoring

161 TCP and UPDP inbound and outbound

SNMP monitoring

162 UDP inbound

Receiving SNMP traps

514 UDP inbound

Receiving Syslog messages

3389 TCP outbound

OM Utilities, AMT console, and Web Console remote sessions operating via RDP

6996 TCP inbound on the Onsite Manager and outbound on the Device Manager

Receiving communications from Device Managers

8989 TCP inbound

Communication between MWExpertSystem and OMNetworkServices Windows Services, for Onsite Manager

Internal Optional Network Requirements

These ports must be open between Onsite Manager and the managed devices for the corresponding features to function correctly. If a specific remote control solution is not being used for the site, its port does not have to be opened. Inbound and outbound qualify the direction between Onsite Manager and the managed devices, not the Internet.


22 TCP outbound

Secure Shell (SSH) remote control

23 TCP outbound

Telnet remote control

80 and 8350 TCP outbound

Connection to web consoles

3389 TCP outbound

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) remote control

5900 TCP outbound

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) remote control

7204 TCP inbound on the Onsite Manager machine

Patch management

7205 TCP inbound on the Onsite Manager machine

Patch management, if storing patches locally
7206 - 7207 inboundIntegrated AntiVirus