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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

To Install Service Center - Hosting Provider

  • Last updated on

Before proceeding, ensure that:

  • the server meets Service Center system requirements for the expected monitoring load.
  • the user account performing the installation must have Domain or Local Administration privileges, as applicable.
  • ensure the FQDN has been registered with the DNS.
  • all Microsoft installation source files are available.
  • all Barracuda RMM installation source files are available locally.
  • you have your VAR code so you can complete the registration. Your Senior Account Manager provides this, and it is the same as your account number.

The Hosted Service Center installer creates the Application Servers that receive incoming information from solution providers' customers' sites, and also provide the interface for users and PSA applications to interact with the system.

As the resource demand increases over time as VARs are added to the environment you will want to install multiple Application Servers.

Reboot After Install

The install process will let you know if a reboot is required after install. 

Virtual Directories and New Websites

Barracuda RMM creates three URLs for deployment. You can choose to create virtual directories or new websites.

The install creates the path the following way, based on the FQDN that you provide:

  • Virtual directories – The component identifier is added to the end of the site path. See the Example 1 column in the table below.
  • Separate sites – The component identifier is added to the beginning of the site URL. See the Example 2 column in the table below.


Example 1

Virtual Directories

 Example 2

New Sites

Public Service Center URL
Public SCMessaging URLhttp://www ging

Public Update Service URL

h ttp://MWUS

The File Storage Server

The File Storage Server is a repository for binary files used in automation:

  • scripts
  • script packages
  • resource files

During install, the File Storage Service Setup Wizard guides you through installing the File Storage Service, allowing Barracuda RMM to access the File Storage Server seamlessly.

Hosting Provider installs use a UNC path. You must provide the username and password for the UNC path.

UNC paths

UNC paths must start with "\\". For UNC paths, you must provide the username and password. The user account can be a local administrator or domain administrator user.

Best Practices for URLs
  • HTTPS is required for the Public Facing Service Center URL, so using a native HTTPS URL for the Public Facing Service Center URL is strongly recommended.
  • Before starting Service Center, use IIS to select a certificate for the website. Using a wildcard certificate is strongly recommended. On Premise installs may require an additional certificate if a wildcard certificate is not being used.
To install Service Center and components
  1. Double-click SetupSC.exe to launch the Service Center installer.
  2. Click Verify Required Components to confirm software requirements. Install any missing components by clicking the links presented, if any.
  3. Under the Options section, select the Install Service Center check box.
  4. Click Install Service Center.
  5. Click Next.
    If any required Windows services are not running, you will be prompted to start them at this point. Also, if you are presented with the option, click Configure to update IIS and ASP.NET to work with Barracuda RMM.
  6. Indicate where you want to create the Service Center databases by selecting Local machine or Remote machine. Click Next.
  7. The SQL Server Login dialog box opens. Choose the target SQL server from the list or manually type the server name or IP address. Enter the SQL authentication login and password. Click Next.
  8. Click Browse to review the installation path and, if required, select a different location. Click Next.
  9. Choose whether a proxy will be used.
    If using a proxy server, do the following:
    1. Enter the Address, Port, Username and Password.
    2. Define the authentication type by selecting either Basic, Digest or Negotiate.
    3. Click Next.
  10. Indicate how you want the Service Center websites to be created by choosing either Virtual Directory or New Website. Click Next.

    If the computer is a Domain Controller, the only option you will have is to create virtual directories.

    • If using a virtual directory, select the parent website and enter Virtual Directory Name. Click Next.
    • If using a new website, enter the URL for Service Center. A corresponding DNS entry is required to view the site. Click Next.

    Ensure the FQDN has been registered with the DNS.


    The Public Service Center Communication Settings dialog box opens.
  11. Type a HTTPS URL for each of the following:
    1. Public facing Service Center URL, which is the URL for Service Center, that must also be accessible from the Internet in order for Device Managers to obtain configuration information.
    2. Public SCMessaging URL, which is the URL used by the Onsite Managers, Device Managers and other components of Barracuda RMM to report and send data to Service Center.
    3. Public Update Service URL, which is the URL used by the Service Center application and by device managers under patch management to update Microsoft and Windows applications on devices.

    HTTPS is required for the Public Facing Service Center URL, so using a native HTTPS URL for the Public Facing Service Center URL is strongly recommended. HTTP URLs are redirected to HTTPS automatically using HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), so users will not lose function if you use.

    If you use HTTPS, before starting Service Center, use IIS to select a certificate for the website. Installs may require an additional certificate if a wildcard certificate is not being used.

  12. Write the URL down because you will need it later when you install the Onsite Manager. Click Next.
  13. Click Install.
  14. Once the wizard completes, click Continue to run the Reporting Services Configuration utility.
  15. Once the wizard completes, click Continue to run the File Storage Setup utility.
  16. From the Barracuda RMM Service Center - Reporting Service Configuration, select Remote Machine and enter the host name or IP address of the SQL Server in the Machine Name box.Under User Credentials with Access to Server, select either Local Administrator Account or Domain User Account (specifying the User Name, including Domain, and Password) and click OK. Whichever account is selected, it must have access rights to create a local user on the remote machine.
  17. Click OK when a dialog box shows your choices, and again when you are advised that the configuration succeeded.
  18. The Register Service Center dialog box opens. Enter identifying information in the Company Information and Contact Information sections.
  19. Type your Installation Key into the Key box and then click Register.