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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column Type Description
DeviceGuid uniqueidentifier A globally unique identifier for the macOS device.
DateCreated datetime The date and time the OM identified the network interface.
DateModified datetime The date and time the OM last modified the network interface.
Adapter nvarchar(100) The name/type of the network interface adapter.
BSDName nvarchar(100) Indicates the BSD name of the network interface.
Bus nvarchar(100) Identifies the bus of the network interface.
DeviceID nvarchar(100) A unique identifier for the network interface on the device. 
KextName nvarchar(100) The name of the Kext.
LinkWidth nvarchar(100) Indicates the link width from 1 to 32 lanes. Possible values are ×1, ×2, ×4, ×8, ×12, ×16 and ×32.
Location nvarchar(100) A path representing the location of the network interface (e.g. /System/Library/Extensions/AppleUSBNCM.kext). 
Namenvarchar(100) The name of the network interface.
RevisionIDnvarchar(100) Identifies the revision of the network interface.
SubsystemID nvarchar(100) Identifies the subsystem.
SubsystemVendorIDnvarchar(100) Identifies the vendor of the subsystem, if applicable.
Type nvarchar(100) A code representing the type of network interface.
VendorID nvarchar(100) A code representing the vendor that created the interface.
Versionnvarchar(100) A code representing the version.