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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


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The operating systems on Windows devices.

Column Description
DeviceGuid The device that the operating system belongs to.
BootDevice The name of the disk drive from which the Win32 operating system boots. For example: \\Device\Harddisk0.
BuildNumber The build number of the operating system. It can be used for more precise versioning information than product release version numbers For example: 1381.
BuildType Indicates the type of build used for the operating system. For example: retail build and checked build.
Caption A one-line description of the object. The string includes the operating system version. For example, "Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise". This property can be localized.
CSCreationClassName Contains the scoping computer system's creation class name.
CSDVersion Contains a null-terminated string that indicates the latest Service Pack installed on the computer system. If no Service Pack is installed, the string is NULL. For computer systems running Windows 95, this property contains a null-terminated string that provides arbitrary additional information about the operating system. For example: Service Pack 3.
CSName Contains the scoping computer system's name.
CurrentTimeZone Indicates the number of minutes the operating system is offset from Greenwich Mean Time. The number can be positive, negative, or zero.
DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications Indicates if 32-bit applications are running with Data Execution Prevention (DEP) applied (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If DataExecutionPrevention_Available = FALSE, this property is also FALSE.
DataExecutionPrevention_Available Indicates if the hardware supports Windows Data Execution Prevention (DEP) technology (TRUE) or not (FALSE). DEP ensures that all memory locations are marked with a non-executable attribute unless the memory location explicitly contains executable code. This can help mitigate certain types of buffer overrun security exploits. If DEP is available, 64-bit applications are automatically protected. To determine if DEP has been enabled for 32-bit applications and drivers, use the DataExecutionPrevention_ properties.
InstallDate The date the object was installed. This property does not require a value to indicate that the object is installed.
LastBootUpTime The time when the operating system was last booted.
Manufacturer Indicates the name of the operating system manufacturer. For example, for Win32 systems, this value will be Microsoft Corporation.
NumberOfLicensedUsers The number of user licenses for the operating system. If unlimited, enter 0. If unknown, enter -1.
NumberOfProcesses The number of process contexts currently loaded or running on the operating system.
NumberOfUsersThe number of user sessions for which the operating system is currently storing state information.
 Indicates the company name of the registered user's operating system. For example: Microsoft Corporation.
OSArchitecture Indicates the architecture of the operating system. For example: 32-bit, 64-bit Intel, 64-bit AMD.
OSLanguage Indicates which language version of the operating system is installed. For example: 0x0807 (German, Switzerland).
PAEEnabledIndicates if the physical address extensions (PAE) are enabled by the operating system running on Intel processors (TRUE) or not (FALSE). PAE lets applications address more than 4 GB of physical memory. When PAE is enabled, the operating system uses three-level linear address translation rather than two-level. Providing more physical memory to an application reduces the need to swap memory to the page file and increases performance. To enable PAE, use the "/PAE" switch in the Boot.ini file.
ProductType Indicates additional information about the system. This can be one of the following values: 1 = Work Station, 2 = Domain Controller, 3 = Server.
RegisteredUser Indicates the name of the registered user of the operating system. For example: Jane Doe.
SerialNumber Indicates the operating system product serial identification number. For example:10497-OEM-0031416-71674.
ServicePackMajorVersion Indicates the major version number of the service pack installed on the computer system. If no service pack has been installed, the value is zero. Valid for computers running Windows 2000 and later. Otherwise, it is NULL.
ServicePackMinorVersion Indicates the minor version number of the service pack installed on the computer system. If no service pack has been installed, the value is zero. ServicePackMinorVersion is valid for computers running Windows 2000 and later. Otherwise, it is NULL.
VersionThe version number of the operating system. For example: 4.0.
WindowsDirectoryThe Windows directory of the operating system. For example: C:\WINDOWS.