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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Exporting a VAR database

  • Last updated on

If you are managing multiple VARs in a Hosted Service Center deployment, you can export them. Exporting a VAR database packages the SCData_<VARDB>, its associated reports, and other data to be migrated to another Hosted Service Center environment.

Exporting a VAR database is not an alternative method of backing up the database. When a VAR database is exported, the VAR information is removed from the VAR Dashboard. The VAR will be unusable.

To export a VAR database

If you are exporting the VAR database with the intention of moving it to a different environment, ensure both environments are on the same version of Barracuda RMM before proceeding.

  1. On one of the Hosted Service Center application servers, start the HscVarMigratorTool. The default path to the HscVarMigratorTool is C:\Program Files (x86)\Level Platforms\Service Center\Bin\HscVarMigratorTool.exe.
  2. Click the Export tab.
  3. Select one or more vars from the list.
  4. Click Export.

The exported database is named "SCData_<VARDB>" where <VARDB> is the name of your VAR as displayed in VAR Admin.

Best Practice After the export, in VARAdmin, click Status > VAR Dashboard to check that the VAR no longer appears on the dashboard, which confirms that the database has been exported.