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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Migrating a VAR database to a Different Environment

  • Last updated on

Moving a VAR database to a new environment is useful if you have a new server or software environment and want to switch your data to it. You can preserve all the data for the sites in the database by moving the database from one environment to another. The risk of losing data is minimized.

Moving a VAR database does not affect the other VAR databases managed by VAR admin.

If you need to move Service Center, a Report Server, or an Onsite Manager, refer to the Moving Barracuda RMM chapter in the Hosting Provider Setup Guide.


You need:

  • A VAR database, and 
  • A working environment to migrate the VAR database to.
To Move a VAR Database to a Different Environment

Follow these procedures to move a VAR database to a different environment:

  1. Ensure the initial environment and the destination environment have the same version of Barracuda RMM before proceeding.
  2. To export a VAR database
  3. Back up the VAR database
  4. Transfer the VAR database to the new environment.
  5. To import a VAR database