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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Adding Consent to a Site

  • Last updated on

This page provides the following topics:

About Adding Consent

An option to add consent within Premium Remote Control is available for sites where sensitive information could potentially be accessible. This option is a configurable item on a per-site basis.

If consent is required, your customer is presented with a window to allow or reject the access.

You can customize your consent message presented to your client.

Setting Consent Default for New Sites

  1. In Service Center, click Site Management > Sites.

  2. Click Premium Remote Control > Set default for new sites.
  3. Set your desired default:
    • Default values for consent
    • Default action on timeout
    • Default timeout value

Changing Consent Settings for a Site

  1. In Service Center, click Site Management > Sites.

  2. Click Premium Remote Control Section > Modify
  3. Make changes to the consent settings
  4. Click Save.

Changes to the Premium Remote Control consent settings can take a few minutes depending on the number of devices in the site.

Premium Remote Control access to a device requiring consent

Launch Premium Remote Control (via Remote Control page of the device or the Quick Connect link).

  • Premium Remote Control is launched on your computer.
  • A message window is presented to the customer, indicating that access is being requested.
  • The customer allows access.
  • You are connected to the device.
  • The session is successfully initiated.