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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Setting All Monitors in a Monitoring Policy to Create Trouble Tickets

  • Last updated on

Follow this procedure if you have one or more alerts in a monitoring policy and you want:

  • All alerts to create trouble tickets.
  • All generated trouble tickets to have the same priority.

For example, in a situation where you have three alerts in your monitoring policy:

  • One alert does not create trouble tickets.
  • One alert creates trouble tickets with the priority Low.
  • One alert creates trouble tickets with the priority High.

You could follow this procedure to set all three alerts to create trouble tickets with the priority Medium.

If you want your monitor alerts to generate tickets with different priorities, follow the Setting an Alert to Create a Trouble Ticket procedure for each one.

  1. In Service Center, click Service Delivery > Policies > Monitoring.
  2. Select the check box beside the name of the monitoring policy.
  3. Click More Actions > Override Create Trouble Ticket Action.
  4. Select the Create Trouble Ticket check box.
  5. To set the priority of the trouble ticket the alert generates, do either of the following:
  6. Click OK.