If Windows was installed without a full language pack, proper locale or the language pack is corrupted it will use the default qaa-latn language code. As this is not a valid configuration certain aspects of Barracuda RMM will not function, this may also affect other applications that utilize the locale. To remove the invalid language ensure that all Windows updates are installed on the client system and that the logged in user is using a valid locale and language pack eg. en-us
This can be checked by looking at the log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Level Platforms\Onsite Manager\Logs\TraceExpertSystem.txt
The log entry of concern is:
1 2020/09/22 16:15:56 [77] ERROR Avg.MW.OM.MWExpertSystem.Business.Communication.ServiceCenter - System.ArgumentException: 1 is not a supported code page.
2 Parameter name: codepage
3 at System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(Int32 codepage)
4 at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipConstants.ConvertToArray(String str)
5 at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipOutputStream.PutNextEntry(ZipEntry entry)
6 at LPI.Common.CompressionLibrary.CompressionHelper.CompressBytes(Byte[] input) in c:\agent2\w2\40\s\Release-115-SP5\Common\LPI.Common\CompressionHelper.cs:line 142
7 at Avg.MW.OM.MWExpertSystem.Business.Communication.ServiceCenter.Serialize(Object obj) in c:\agent2\w2\40\s\Release-115-SP5\OMSolution.root\OMSolution\Avg.MW.OM.MWExpertSystem.Business\Communication\ServiceCenter.cs:line 215
8 at LPI.Communication.Core.TransmissionControllerClient.PackageData(Guid referenceID, Object data, Boolean doNotSerialze) in c:\agent2\w2\40\s\Release-115-SP5\Common\LPI.Communication\Core\TransmissionControllerClient.cs:line 197
9 at Avg.MW.OM.MWExpertSystem.Business.Communication.ServiceCenter.SendData(Guid referenceID, Object data, Boolean doNotSerialize) in c:\agent2\w2\40\s\Release-115-SP5\OMSolution.root\OMSolution\Avg.MW.OM.MWExpertSystem.Business\Communication\ServiceCenter.cs:line 186
- Download PSExec from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/psexec and extract it to a known location eg.
- Opening an administrative command prompt or Powershell Window
- Set PSExec to run powershell as the local system account:
C:\PSTools\PSExec.exe \\localhost -s Powershell
- Ensure that Powershell is running under the local system account by running
Run the following in the Powershell Window:
<# This script adds qaa-latn to the accounts locale settings (if it doesnt already exist) and then deletes it from the account #> $LanguageList = Get-WinUserLanguageList $LanguageList.Add("qaa-latn") Set-WinUserLanguageList $LanguageList -Force $LanguageList = Get-WinUserLanguageList $Language = $LanguageList | where LanguageTag -eq "qaa-Latn" $LanguageList.Remove($Language) Set-WinUserLanguageList $LanguageList -Force
- Restart the client System.
- Make the changes in the System Settings as shown in the screenshot.
- If the Device Manager was already installed it will automatically start up after the restart has completed and begin to communicate.
If this fails to resolve the issue please see the following articles for some other suggestions: