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Barracuda WAF-as-a-Service

Managing the datapath

  • Last updated on

The Barracuda WAF-as-a-Service datapath is the engine that processes your application traffic and applies your security configuration. Barracuda WAF-as-a-Service often releases new datapath versions with bug fixes, improvements, and new features.

For changelog full details, see Release Notes.

By default, Barracuda Networks will administer your datapath and you will receive notice before your WAF-as-a-Service account is automatically upgraded to a newer datapath version. If you wish, you can control when your applications are upgraded to a new datapath version.

Datapath version selection does not apply to the legacy North America and West Europe regions.

If you decide to manage the datapath yourself, you will receive 90 days notice before a version reaches End of Life (EoL). 

  • If you do not upgrade within the 90 day window and the version you are using reachers End of Life, your WAF-as-a-Service instance will be upgraded to the next datapath version and the old version will be retired from service. The Let Barracuda Manage My Datapath Version setting will also be switched from No to Yes. You can, however, switch it back at any time.
  • In the event a 0-Day vulnerability is discovered, such as one found in the OpenSSL library used across the internet, datapath versions my have to be updated with notice the same day as the update.

To choose the datapath version for your applications, follow these steps:

  1. Log into
  2. Navigate to Resources > Managing the datapath
  3. Set  Let Barracuda manage my datapath version to Off.
  4. Select the desired datapath version in the dropdown list and click Save.

It can take up to 30 minutes for the selected datapath version to be fully applied to all the endpoint locations used by the applications in your account.

There will be no downtime to your applications during the datapath upgrades. See the WAF-as-a-Service Service Level Agreement (SLA) for more information regarding downtime.