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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on

Discovered devices.

Column Description
DeviceGuid Uniquely identifies a device.
SiteID The site that this device belongs to.
Name The device's fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Alias An alias assigned to a device from the SC UI (optional). If no alias has been entered in the UI, is NULL.
SNMPName The device name received via SNMP protocol. If the device is not managed by SNMP (SNMPEnabled = 0), is NULL.
CurrentStatus Indicates status. 1 - Up or 0 - Down
WmiEnabled Indicates whether WMI protocol is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
SnmpEnabled Indicates whether SNMP protocol is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
TimeCreated The date and time the device was created.
InventoryTag The device inventory tag as entered in the SC UI. If no inventory tag has been entered in the UI, is NULL.
PhysicalLocation The Device location as entered in the SC UI. if no physical location has been entered in the UI, is NULL.
Notes Notes entered for a device in the SC UI.
ActiveState Indicates the device's state. Possible values are: Deleted = 0, Active = 1, DeleteConfirmed = 2, MarkedForExclusion = 3, Excluded = 4
TimeDeleted The date and time the device was deleted.
AMTEnabled Indicates whether device is AMT enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
ComputerName The name of the computer. If the device is not managed by WMI (WMIEnabled = 0) or WSManagement (WSManEnabled = 0), is NULL.
IsDeviceManagerOnsite Indicates whether DM device is onsite (TRUE), offsite (FALSE), or managed by an OM (NULL).
NetbiosName The Netbios name. This name is retrieved via Netbios. If the device is not managed by WMI (WMIEnabled = 0) or WSManagement (WSManEnabled = 0), is NULL.
ProductionDate The production date, entered from SC UI. If the production date has not been entered in the UI, is NULL.
SshEnabled Indicates whether SSH protocol is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
IsRespondingToArp Indicates whether the device responds to Arp (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
WSManEnabled Indicates whether the device has WSMan enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
TimeExcluded The date and time of the device exclusion.
SshName The name of the device. Obtained through SSH protocol. If the device is not managed by SSH (SshEnabled = 0), is NULL.
Manufacturer The name of the organization responsible for producing the device.
Model The product name that the manufacturer gives to the device.
ShortDescription A phrase that typically describes the operating system, form factor and network role.
OperatingSystemID The operating system family. Possible values are: 0=Unknown, 1=Windows, 2=MacOs, 3=Unix, 4=iOS, 5=Android, 6=Blackberry, 7=WindowsPhone
NetworkRoleID The role of the device on a network. Possible values are 0=Unknown, 1=NetworkDevice, 2=Server, 3=Workstation.
HardwareTypeID The hardware type of the device. Possible values are 0= Unknown, 1 = Desktop, 2 = Laptop, 3 = Tablet, 4 = MobilePhone, 5 = RackMount, 6 = Printer, 7 = PizzaBox, 9 = PhoneOrTablet, 10 = VoipPhone
SerialNumber The serial number for the device.
Shipped Date and time (in UTC) when a device has been shipped from a manufacturer.
OutOfWarranty Flag indicating whether device is out of warranty (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
DeviceWarrantyUrl URL for the device warranty.