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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Working with SentinelOne Alerts

  • Last updated on

To get an overview of SentinelOne alerts, see the following, below:

  • Viewing an overview of alerts on the SentinelOne Overview page
  • Working with alerts on the SentinelOne Alerts page
Viewing an overview of alerts on the SentinelOne Overview page

The SentinelOne Overview page displays a summary of SentinelOne alerts at the top of the page. The Alerts Detected Last 24 Hours box displays recent alerts. Active Alerts are also displayed.

The Alert Summary area displays devices where SentinelOne threats have been detected. You can also navigate to the SentinelOne Alerts page from the Status menu on the right.

To use SentinelOne, you must purchase your SentinelOne license from Barracuda Networks. Contact your Barracuda Networks sales representative.

The alert page displays alerts from managed devices that have the SentinelOne agent, whether or not the agent was deployed through Barracuda RMM.

To view an overview of alerts
  1. In Service Center, click Antivirus > SentinelOne.
  2. View the following:
    • The Alerts Detected Last 24 Hours box at the top of the page
    • The Active Alerts box at the top of the page
Working with alerts on the SentinelOne Alerts page

The SentinelOne Alerts page is where you can get more details on alerts, and take action on alerts, like clearing and suppressing alerts. You can also export the list of alerts in various formats.

To use SentinelOne, you must purchase your SentinelOne license from Barracuda Networks. Contact your Barracuda Networks sales representative.

To view active, suppressed, or cleared SentinelOne Alerts
  1. In Service Center, click Antivirus > SentinelOne.
  2. In the Status menu at the top right, click Alerts.
  3. Do click one of the following buttons on the right side:
    • Active
    • Suppressed
    • Cleared
To clear SentinelOne alerts
  1. In Service Center, click Antivirus > SentinelOne.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select the check boxes of the alerts you want to clear, then click Clear.
    • Click Clear All.
To suppress SentinelOne alerts
  1. In Service Center, click Antivirus > SentinelOne.
  2. Select the check boxes of the alerts you want to suppress, then click Suppress.
To export a list of SentinelOne alerts

When you export a list of SentinelOne alerts, the following is exported for each alert:

  • Alert Category
  • Site
  • Device/Website
  • Time of Alert
  • Alert Configuration
  • Ticket

You can export the SentinelOne alerts as the file types:

  • Excel (.xls)
  • Comma-Separated Values (.csv)
  • Word (.doc)
  1. In Service Center, click Antivirus > SentinelOne.
  2. (Optionally) Select the check boxes of the alerts you want to export.
    If you don’t select any check boxes, all alerts are exported.
  3. Click Export, then select a file type.