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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on

Provides information on the device

Column NameType NullableDescription
deviceguid unique-identifierNoUniquely identifies a device.
datecreated datetimeNoThe date and time the device was identified.
datemodified stringNoThe last date and time the device was modified.
manufacturer stringYesThe device’s manufacturer.
model stringYesThe model of the device.
shortdescription stringYesA short description of the device.
shortdescriptionoverridestringYesAn override description of the short description.
descriptionstringYesA more detailed description of the device.
operatingsystemnamestringYesIdentifies the device’s operating system.
operatingsystemtype stringYesIdentifies the type of operating system.
networkrole stringYesThe device’s role in the network.
hardwaretype stringYesIdentifies the device’s hardware.
serialnumberstringYesA manufacturer-allocated number used to identify the device. 
devicerolecategory stringYesThe category role of the device.
iscurrent characterYesNot used.