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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Setting Up a New Tigerpaw Integration

  • Last updated on

Configuring Tigerpaw to Integrate with Barracuda RMM

To configure Tigerpaw, do the following:

  • Create an External Product for the Barracuda RMM integration.
  • Verify that a service board exists for tickets generated in Barracuda RMM, and if it does not, create one.
  • Add asset types and price book items to the master tables so that Tigerpaw can recognize assets collected by Barracuda RMM.
  • Add a service order type for service orders generated by Barracuda RMM alerts.
  • Create a unique rep in Tigerpaw for Barracuda RMM to help identify service orders created from Barracuda RMM alerts.
  • Define service email options for the Windows service used by the integration.
  • Associate customer accounts in Tigerpaw with the Onsite Managers used by Barracuda RMM.
Creating an External Product for the Barracuda RMM Integration

If you are configuring a new integration, you must create an External Product ID for Barracuda RMM.

  1. In Tigerpaw, click Edit > Master Tables.
  2. Click the Account folder, then External Products, New.
  3. Type an External Product name. For example, Barracuda Networks Barracuda RMM.
  4. Click OK.
Creating a Service Board for Barracuda RMM Tickets

If you are upgrading to Tigerpaw 15.1.8 or later, you must create a Service Board for use with Barracuda RMM tickets. Although new installations of Tigerpaw 15.1.8 come pre-populated with several Service Boards, it is recommended that you create a Service Board dedicated to Barracuda RMM.

  1. In Tigerpaw, click Edit > Master Tables.
  2. Click the Service folder, then Service Boards.
  3. Create a new Service Board and provide a meaningful name, e.g. Managed Services or Barracuda Networks Tickets.
Creating Asset Types in Tigerpaw to Match Barracuda RMM Assets

For Tigerpaw to recognize your Barracuda RMM assets, you must create an asset type in Tigerpaw for each of the predetermined Barracuda RMM asset types.

The Barracuda RMM asset types include the following:

  • Windows Server
  • Windows Workstation
  • Printer
  • Other

For an asset type to be recognized (and billed) correctly, you must map it to Special items in the Tigerpaw configuration utility. Then, when you define asset types in Tigerpaw, you can attach a Special item from your price book. As assets are discovered in Barracuda RMM, they will be created in Tigerpaw.

Tip: Create the Special items in the Tigerpaw configuration utility before you create asset types.

  1. From the File menu, click New > New Price Book Item.
  2. Provide a name for the Price Book Item. For the Item Type, select Special.
    Now you are ready to create the asset types.
  3. From the Edit menu, select Master Tables.
  4. Click the + icon next to the Inventory node to display the tables related to the price book.
  5. Under Inventory tables, click the Asset Types table once to select it, then click New on the toolbar.
    The MSP Asset Types dialog box lets you define how you are billing an asset you are tracking for your customer.
  6. In the Asset Type field, type a definition for the Barracuda RMM asset type “Windows Server” as you want it to appear in Tigerpaw. For example, you might type “Server” or “Managed Server”.
  7. Click the button next to the Billing Item ID field to display a search window for locating price book items. Locate and choose the appropriate Special item for that asset type, which will be added to the invoice when billing for the monitoring.
  8. If the Pricing will be determined by section, choose the Default Price Level for this asset type from the drop-down list, or select Flat Price Override and enter the flat price amount to use when billing for that asset type.
  9. Click Add Another to save the asset type and enter another.
  10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 until you have created an asset type for all five Barracuda RMM asset types. To close the MSP Asset Types window, click OK.
Creating a Type for Barracuda RMM Service Orders

You must create a service order type for service orders generated by Barracuda RMM alerts.

  1. From the Edit menu, select Master Tables.
  2. Click the + icon next to the Service node to display the tables related to service orders.
  3. Under the Service tables, click Types to display the service order types already entered in Tigerpaw.
  4. On the toolbar, click New.
  5. Enter a new type for service orders generated by Barracuda RMM alerts. For example, “Barracuda Networks Barracuda RMM“.
  6. Click OK.
Creating a New Rep for Barracuda RMM

You can choose to set up Barracuda RMM as a Tigerpaw user by adding a new rep. This new rep definition will help distinguish service orders generated by Barracuda RMM alerts from other service orders. The rep will appear as the Taken By rep on the service order.

  1. From the Edit menu, select Master Tables.
  2. Click the + icon next to the Rep node to display the tables related to rep information.
  3. Under the Rep tables, click Account Reps to display the reps that are already entered in Tigerpaw. (Note that all Tigerpaw users are considered reps.)
  4. On the toolbar, click New.
  5. Type a Last Name for the rep to help users identify it as Barracuda RMM. For example, you might use “Barracuda RMM”, “Managed Services”, or “Automated”.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Basic Rep Information section, type a Password and verify it.
  8. On the Roles & Groups tab, click the button to the left of the Security Roles field.
  9. Select the check boxes for the role(s) that you want to assign the rep to. If you currently do not have your security configured or you are not currently using security, and then assign the rep to the Systems Administrator role.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Close the Assign Security Roles window.
  12. On the Account Rep Maintenance window, click Save and Exit on the toolbar.
  13. Close the Table Maintenance window.
Linking Onsite Managers to Customer Accounts in Tigerpaw

Finally, you must link your customers’ Onsite Managers (as identified by OM Identifier) to their accounts in Tigerpaw. Before you begin this procedure, ensure that all your customers are already set up with accounts in Tigerpaw. It is also useful to prepare a list of customer OM Identifiers as they are listed in Service Center. To verify customer OM Identifiers in Service Center, check the OM Identifier field on the Site Management page, found on the General tab.

If you need to associate more than one Onsite Manager with a single Tigerpaw customer, you can enter all relevant OM Identifiers to the list of Associated External Products for their single Tigerpaw account, as described below.

  1. In Tigerpaw, locate a customer account that you want to link to Onsite Manager using the Search view, Account List view, or BackTrack™. Once the account is found, open the Account view.
  2. On the Service Defaults tab, click Add External Account ID in the Associated External Products section.
  3. From the drop-down list of providers, select Avast.
  4. In the External Account ID field, type the OM Identifier for the customer site as it appears in Service Center.
    Note: If you are pasting the OM Identifier, ensure that there are no leading or trailing spaces.
    Note: Leave the External System ID field blank.
  5. In the Comment field, enter a comment if required. Entering a comment is recommended if you are linking several Onsite Managers to a single Tigerpaw account, to help differentiate between them.
  6. Click OK to close the window, or click Add Another to enter another OM Identifier in the External ID field.
Editing or Deleting an Onsite Manager Link to a Tigerpaw Account

If you add, remove or change a site in Service Center, you must make the corresponding changes in Tigerpaw.

To edit information for an Onsite Manager in a customer's Tigerpaw account
  1. Open the Account view for the customer account.
  2. On the Service Defaults tab, in the Associated External Products section, click the account that you want to edit.
  3. In the Associated External Products section, click Edit External Account ID.
  4. Make the required changes.
  5. Click OK.
To remove an Onsite Manager association from a customer's Tigerpaw account
  1. Open the Account view for the customer account.
  2. On the Service Defaults tab, in the Associated External Products section, click the account that you want to delete.
  3. In the Associated External Products section, click Remove External Account ID.
    A window opens to confirm that you want to delete the external account.
  4. Click Yes.