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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Previewing a Group

  • Last updated on

After creating the automatic inclusion rules and defining a scope for the group, you can preview the devices that are included in the group. Previewing lets you verify that the inclusion rules you created add all the devices you want included in the group.

  1. In Service Center, click Service Delivery > Groups.
  2. Click the name of the group to which you want to preview the devices.
  3. Click the Auto-Inclusion tab.
  4. Click Preview.
  5. When you are finished previewing, click Close.
  6. If you are satisfied with the results, click Save.

The Auto-Inclusion Preview page displays a list of devices, including information such as:

  • The site
  • The site's IP Address
  • A description of the site
  • A green check mark to indicate whether the site is SNMP- or WMI-enabled