The exam for this certificate covers all topics for the CAS01 - Barracuda Email Protection - Cloud Archiving Service - Foundation course:
- CAS01010 - Introduction to the Cloud Archiving Service
- CAS01020 - Getting Started with Cloud Archiving Service
- CAS01030 - Cloud Archiving Service End-User Access
- CAS01040 - Building Data Sets with Cloud Archiving Service
To view all required self-paced learning modules, please go to Barracuda Email Protection > Training or Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service > Training
Barracuda Campus offers the below courses to prepare for the required examination.
CAS01 Barracuda Email Protection - Cloud Archiving Service - Foundation
CAS01010 Introduction to the Cloud Archiving Service
CAS01020 Cloud Archiving Service Deployment and Integration
CAS01030 Cloud Archiving Service End-User Access
CAS01040 Building Data Sets with Cloud Archiving Service
For this certification, you have to complete the following courses and exams.
CAS01-02 Barracuda Email Protection - Cloud Archiving Service - Foundation
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