The exam for this certificate covers all topics for the Barracuda Email Protection - Impersonation Protection - Foundation training.
- IR01010 - Introducing Incident Response Functionality
- IR01020 - Insights and Reporting with Incident Response
- IR01030 - Automated Remediation
- IR01040 - Review and Remediation with Incident Response
- IR01050 - Automated Workflows
- IR01060 - Interconnectivity and Feature Comparison
To view all required self-paced learning modules, please go to Barracuda Email Protection > Training or Incident Response > Training
Barracuda Campus offers the below courses to prepare for the required examination.
IR01 Barracuda Incident Response - Foundation
IR01010 Introducing Incident Response Functionality
IR01020 Insights and Reporting with Incident Response
IR01030 Automatic Remediation
IR01040 Incident Review and Remediation
IR01050 Automated Workflows
IR01060 Product Interconnectivity and Feature Comparison
For this certification, you have to complete the following courses and exams.
IR01-06 Barracuda Email Protection - Incident Response - Foundation
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