The exam for this certificate covers all topics for the Barracuda Web Security Gateway - Foundation course.
- Introduction
- Feature Overview
- Deployment
- User & Group Management
- Filtering Capabilities
- Advanced Deployment
- SSL Inspection
- Remote Filtering
- Educational Features
- Administration
To view all required self-paced learning modules, please go to:
Barracuda Campus offers the below courses to prepare for the required examination.
WSG01 Barracuda Web Security Gateway - Foundation
WSG01002 Feature Overview
WSG01004 User & Group Management
WSG01005 Filtering Capabilities
WSG01006 Advanced Deployment
WSG01008 Remote Filtering
WSG01009 Educational Features
For this certification, you have to complete the following courses and exams.
WSG01-02 Barracuda Web Security Gateway - Foundation
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