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Barracuda CloudGen Access

Devices Page

  • Last updated on

The Devices page in the console lists user devices with the following columns:

  • User – Name to identify the user.
  • Hostname –  Hostname of the CGA instance. Example:
  • OS  – Operating system of the device.
  • Agent  – Version of the CGA agent installed on the device. If the agent is an old version, an exclamation point is displayed next to the version.
  • Last Report – Last date/time the user logged in on this device.
  • Classification – Current classification of the device, indicated by these icons:
Classification Icons Devices.png
  • Supervised – The Tamperproof feature is allowed and the organization's Web Security policies are enforced.
  • Managed – The Tamperproof feature is disabled, and the organization's Web Security policies are enabled, but optional (user can opt-out).
  • Personal – The Tamperproof (see below) and Web Security features are disabled. The organization CANNOT 
    see the web traffic on this device, even if the CloudGen Access app is installed and running.

To Re-classify a Device: Change the current classification of a device (Supervised, Managed, or Personal) by checking the box to the left of the User column, and then clicking  on the Device Re-classification icon in the upper right (next to the Trash Can icon). See also Device Classification.

  • Tamperproof – Indicates whether this feature is enabled for this device. See Tamperproof for details.
  • Status – Indicates whether the device is enrolled or not. 

On the Devices > Settings page, click the pencil icon to edit App Configuration, Agent DNS, and Tamperproof settings.