You might choose to send emails from a valid email account on a corporate email server to:
Send training invitations from a valid internal account so your users can confidently click on the training without thinking it is a phishing attack.
- Send out information security announcements and use Security Awareness Training to track which users interacted with your message.
- Simulate a phishing attack from a "compromised" internal account.
To enable Security Awareness Training to send emails from your domain:
- Add the following to your DNS SPF TXT record:
- Add the following DKIM DNS node/host name to your domain:
Under the new
pl33487c._domainkey node/host name
you just created, add the following TXT record:
Tip: This information must be on a single line. To copy the text below, click Copy. Or triple-click on the text to select the entire content, then copy it.v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=y; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDDgQnwg9wDdMBi74t+PGuUEb3DK6Rl5M0z/BFM49LBSFa7akWHYXoDBMEzkH4cL+WcpuOuJSQIuX7cITMpLqthyPpIWyufj/q0WpqYxTHR5vmDqeOlTO+c3LN6Ug0sRpxH3cvRAM80x/NFJ8H+66NZLSn874dkQSoc6ACkl98CkwIDAQAB
- Optional: Add a DMARC DNS record:
- Add the following DMARC DNS node/host name to your domain:
- Under the new
node/host name you just created, add the following TXT record:v=DMARC1;p-none;
- Click here to learn more about DMARC and Domain Fraud Protection.
- Add the following DMARC DNS node/host name to your domain:
- Contact Barracuda Support. Provide your domain name and request that they add it to Security Awareness Training as a customer-specific, email-only domain.