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Barracuda Domain Fraud Protection

Addressing DKIM Issues

  • Last updated on

If you have problems with DKIM, consider the following:

DKIM is Not Set Up

You must set up DKIM according to the instructions furnished by your DNS provider. If you have questions, issues, or cannot find the instructions, reach out to your provider for assistance. 

DKIM Configuration Error

Check that you added and configured your DKIM record correctly, based on your DNS provider's instructions.

Review specific syntax issues that your DNS provider might require you to enforce. If there is any confusion, contact your DNS provider for clarification. 

Compare the provider's samples and instructions with your DNS records to see if you might have changed the syntax of the record incorrectly.
Make sure that:

  • The p= tag is present and contains the public key
  • There are no empty tag= values
  • There are no invalid characters or extra spaces
  • There are no unrecognized tags in the DKIM record parameters
  • There are no incorrect tag=value pairs in the DKIM record parameters