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Barracuda Web Application Firewall

Traffic Reports

  • Last updated on

Traffic reports are categorized into the four following groups:

  • Service Traffic Reports
  • Client Traffic Reports
  • Server Traffic Reports
  • Aggregated System Traffic Reports

Service Traffic Reports

Service Traffic Reports cover web traffic activities monitored by the Barracuda Web Application Firewall for the configured services.

The following table provides a detailed description of each report in the Service Traffic Reports section:

Report NameReport DescriptionGraph/Chart TypeData in Graph/ChartDrill Down
User Agents Per ServiceDisplays user agents used to access the service.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of user agents.
  • Y plots display the names of user agents that accessed the service.


Top URLs By Request

Displays top URLs accessed based on the requests received.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of requests corresponding to URLs.
  • Y plots display the URLs accessed based on the requests received.
Top URLs By BandwidthDisplays top URLs based on bandwidth usage.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the bandwidth usage (in bytes) corresponding to URLs.
  • Y plots display the URLs accessed based on bandwidth usage.
Top Services By RequestDisplays top services accessed based on the requests.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of requests corresponding to services.
  • Y plots display the IP address/Port of services accessed by the clients..

Report can be drilled down by:

  • Response Type
Top Services By BandwidthDisplays top services based on bandwidth usage.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the bandwidth usage (in bytes) corresponding to services.
  • Y plots display the IP address/Port of services based on bandwidth usage.

Top Domains By Request

Displays top domains accessed based on the requests.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of requests corresponding to domains.
  • Y plots display the domain names accessed based on the requests received.

Report can be drilled down by:

  • Response Type
Top Domains By BandwidthDisplays top domains based on bandwidth usage.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the bandwidth usage (in bytes) corresponding to domains.
  • Y plots display the domain names based on bandwidth usage.
Performance Summary on Selected ServiceDisplays average response time taken by the selected service to process a request.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the response time (in milliseconds) for the corresponding service.
  • Y plots display the date in Year-Month-Date (i.e.,YYYY-MM-DD) format.
Services : Incoming ConnectionsDisplays the number of connections established to the Barracuda Web Application Firewall as per the selected time scale.Line Graph
  • X plots display the date and time in Year-Month-Date (i.e.YYYY-MM-DD) format and hour-mins (i.e., hh-mm) format.
  • Y plots display the incoming connection for the corresponding service.
Services : Live SessionsDisplays the number of live sessions on the Barracuda Web Application Firewall as per the selected time scale.Line Graph
  • X plots display the date and time in Year-Month-Date (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD) format and hour-mins (i.e., hh-mm) format.
  • Y plots display the number of sessions for the corresponding service.

Client Traffic Reports

Client Traffic Reports cover web client activity monitored by the Barracuda Web Application Firewall.

The following table provides a detailed description of each report in the Client Traffic Reports section:

Report NameReport DescriptionGraph/Chart TypeData in Graph/ChartDrill Down
Top Clients by RequestDisplays top clients (IP addresses) accessing the service based on the requests sent.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of requests corresponding to clients.
  • Y plots display the IP address(es) of clients accessing the service..

Report can be drilled down by:

  • Response Type
Top Clients By BandwidthDisplays top clients based on bandwidth usage.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the bandwidth usage (in bytes) corresponding to clients.
  • Y plots display the IP address(es) of clients based on bandwidth usage.

Top User Agents By Request

Displays top user agents based on the requests sent.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of user agents.
  • Y plots display the names of user agents based on the requests.
Top User Agents By BandwidthDisplays top user agents based on bandwidth usage.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the bandwidth usage (in bytes) corresponding to user agents.
  • Y plots display the names of user agents based on bandwidth usage.
Requests By Device TypeDisplays the devices used to send requests. Example: desktopBar Chart
  • X plots display the count of requests corresponding to device type.
  • Y plots display the devices through which the requests were sent.

Top Region/Country By Request

Displays the number of requests received from different countries within the specified time frame.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of requests corresponding to country code.
  • Y plots display the two (2) character country codes.

Report can be drilled down by:

  • Domains
  • Services
  • Time

Server Traffic Reports

Server Traffic Reports cover web traffic activities monitored by the Barracuda Web Application Firewall for the configured servers.

The following table provides a detailed description of each report in the Server Traffic Reports section:

Report NameReport DescriptionGraph/Chart TypeData in Graph/ChartDrill Down
Top Accessed ServersDisplays top servers that are accessed by clients.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of requests corresponding to servers.
  • Y plots display the IP address(es) of servers that are accessed by clients.
Top Accessed Servers Per ServiceDisplays top servers accessed by clients for the selected service.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of servers.
  • Y plots display the IP address(es) of servers that are accessed by clients for the selected service.
Top Accessed Services By HourDisplays the number of services accessed by clients for each hour of the day.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of services corresponding to each hour.
  • Y plots display the date and time in Year-Month-Date-Hour (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD HH:00) format for last 24 hours.
Server Response SummaryDisplays the summary of server response status. Example: 404, 200, 302, etc.Pie ChartThe pie chart displays the distribution of HTTP response codes (such as 200 OK, 302 Redirect, 404 Page Not Found, etc.) count.

Report can be drilled down by:

  • Service
Server Response Summary by HourDisplays the summary of server response for each hour of the day.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of server response corresponding to each hour.
  • Y plots display the date and time in Year-Month-Date-Hour (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD HH:00) format for last 24 hours.
Server Response Summary by DayDisplays the summary of server response for the specified time frame.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of server response corresponding to each day.
  • Y plots display the date and time in Year-Month-Date (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD) format.

Report can be drilled down by:

  • Hour

Aggregated System Traffic Reports

Aggregated System Traffic Reports cover web traffic activities monitored by the Barracuda Web Application Firewall.

The following table provides a detailed description of each report in the Aggregated System Traffic Reports section:

Report NameReport DescriptionGraph/Chart TypeData in Graph/ChartDrill Down
Requests By HourDisplays the aggregated system traffic for each hour of the day.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the count of requests corresponding to each hour.
  • Y plots display the date and time in Year-Month-Date-Hour (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD HH:00) format for last 24 hours.
Bandwidth By HourDisplays the aggregated system traffic based on bandwidth usage for each hour of the day.Bar Chart
  • X plots display the bandwidth usage (in bytes) corresponding to each hour.
  • Y plots display the date and time in Year-Month-Date-Hour (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD HH:00) format for last 24 hours.
Performance Summary By HourDisplays the time taken to respond to a request for each hour of the day.Bar Chart
  • X plots display response time (in milliseconds) corresponding to each hour.
  • Y plots display the date and time in Year-Month-Date-Hour (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD HH:00) format for last 24 hours.