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Barracuda Intronis Backup
formerly ECHOplatform

Creating Portal User Accounts for Employees

  • Last updated on


The initial partner credentials you logged in with are a fail-safe account designed for security purposes only.

Upon first logging into ECHOplatform you must create an Admin account with which you log in moving forward.

Do not use the partner username for regular use.

To create portal user accounts for employees  perform the following steps.

Repeat these steps for each MSP user logging into ECHOplatform.

Do not use the default partner credentials used for the initial sign in.

  1. At the ECHOplatform ribbon, click Preferences, Manage Portal Time-Out/Users from the Preferences drop-down menu.

    campus portal.png

    The Manage Portal Time-Out/Users page is displayed.

    campus portal1.png

  2. Click the Add User button.
    The New User form is displayed.

    campus portal2.png

  3. In the Email field, type a unique email address.

  4. In the Name field, type a username.
    If a username is already in use, the following notice is displayed.

    campus portal3.png
  5. Type a password.
    The following password requirements are displayed.

    campus portal4.png

  6. Select a role from the Role drop-down list. 

    campus portal5.png

    The roles are defined in the table below.




  • Access to all features of the ECHOplatform portal

  • Full privileges to Barracuda Cloud Control.

  • The user can Single-sign-On into Barracuda Cloud Control.

  • The user can activate Barracuda Backup Appliances

  • The user can provision and activate Barracuda Essential Services


  • Access to the ECHOplatform portal management section and backup related reporting

  • Full privileges to Barracuda Cloud Control except for search ability in Archiver

  • The user can Single-Sign-On into Barracuda Cloud Control.

  • The user cannot activate Barracuda Backup Appliances

  • The user cannot provision and activate Barracuda Essential Services

Tech (cannot delete)

  • Access to the ECHOplatform portal management section and backup related reporting but cannot delete.

  • Access to Barracuda Cloud Control

  • The user cannot activate Barracuda Backup Appliances

  • The user cannot provision and activate Barracuda Essential Service


  • Access to the ECHOplatform portal billing section and billing related reporting.

  • No access to Barracuda Cloud Control

  • The user cannot activate Barracuda Backup Appliances

  • The user cannot provision and activate Barracuda Essential Service

  1. When complete, click Next.
    The Contact Details page is displayed.
    Notice that the fields are automatically populated.

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  1. Click Submit.
    The new user is displayed, as shown below.

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