Make sure you follow the correct process for your upgrade or new installation by following the steps we've outlined here.
Thorough preparation is the key to any successful project on production servers.
For this release of Barracuda RMM, Onsite Managers and Device Managers 2023.4 and higher are updated to 2024.2. The update happens in the background, with no manual intervention required, starting 15 days after Service Center has been upgraded to Barracuda RMM 2024.2, and is completed no more than 14 days after the OM and DM upgrade began.
NOTE OMs and DMs version 12.4-12.6.1 can be upgraded manually. Upgrades for 12.3 and lower are no longer supported.
Steps to Upgrade to 2024.2
Before you begin
First and most importantly, back up your database.
Take a moment to review:
The Barracuda RMM installer will not allow you to proceed if you do not have the correct software configuration in place.
For example, the Barracuda RMM install engine will abort your upgrade if it determines that Windows SQL 2008 Service Pack 1 has not been applied.
If you are using a self-hosted version of Barracuda RMM, before upgrading to Barracuda RMM 10 or higher, it is highly recommended that you set the Max Degree of Parallelism setting in the SQL Server Properties window. Enabling this setting improves SQL performance during and after the upgrade.
To set the Max Degree of Parallelism setting, perform the following steps:
In the SQL Server Properties window, click the Advanced page.
In the Parallelism area, for the Max Degree of Parallelism setting, enter 1. By default, this is set to 0.
If you are manually upgrading an Onsite Manager installed to a SQL instance other than LPIMWOMEXPRESS, contact Support for assistance with moving your database to an instance using this name. Remote upgrades to Onsite Managers will continue to upgrade other instances without issue.
Releases after Barracuda RMM 12 SP4 require .NET 4.6.0 or higher. If you don't have .NET 4.6.0 or higher installed, it will be installed as part of Barracuda RMM, which may require a restart. Please see “Reboot After Install” in the Barracuda RMM Setup Guide for details.
We invite you to assess your current infrastructure against the recommendations for Barracuda RMM:
Download the Software
Back up your database (if you haven't already done so).
Download the Barracuda RMM software:
After downloading the installation package, you ensure the zip file is not blocked by right-clicking the file, selecting Properties, and then selecting Unblock. Additionally, after extracting the files, you run the setup with elevated privileges, such as Run as Administrator.