This article includes the following topics.
- Release Versions
- Upgrading to this Release
- Updates
- Fixes
Release Versions
This release includes the following versions.
- Backend-2024.1
- Backend-2024.2
- MSPUI-2024.1
- MSPUI-2024.2
- Agent-2024.1
Upgrading to the February 2024 Release
The upgrade process for this release is completely automated. There is no action required on your part to upgrade to the latest release.
This release includes the following updates:
- Ability to see all M365 users for an SMB account instead of just the first 1,000.
- Improved messaging to let Partners know that Email user usage data is based on the prior day.
- UI improvements to better distinguish between parent Partner, child Partner, and SMB accounts as well as which Partner the SMB is associated with.
- All fields that have a built-in character limit, now include messaging to alert the user about limits before they start typing.
- When viewing billable Email users, Partners now have the ability to filter by billable license or user, instead of just by user.
- License information is now included in the MSP App when selecting an Email product for an SMB.
This release includes the following fixes:
- Messaging when deactivating a BBS unit was placeholder text.
- Transferring a serial from one MSP to another failed to grant the new MSP proper the entitlements.
- Products & Services tab for a Partner was loading too slow.
- Partners were unable to view user billing exclusions.
- Correct SMB name was not being displayed for filter results.
- The export usage functionality for Billing Aggregators was not working if they have any cancelled Partners.
- Linked Companies in ConnectWise were showing as unlinked.
- Not all clients were appearing in the ConnectWise Link Account dropdown.