Report pages display the status of updates on your devices. Two different Report pages are available:
- Patch Report—Displays the status of each available third party update, showing the number of devices where it is installed, needed, and failed.
- Device Report—Displays the third party patch status for each device under Advanced Software Management, showing the number of patches that are installed, needed, and failed on each device.
These two pages display similar information, organized differently.
- Use the Patch Report page if you want to look at a patch and see which devices have that patch installed, need the patch, or attempted to install the patch but the install failed. Clicking an entry shows you more information on an individual patch and what status it has for different Approval Groups. See Viewing the status of third party patches.
- Use the Device Report page if you want to look at a device and see how many patches were installed recently, how many are needed, and how many failed. Clicking an entry can show you more information about the device or site displayed. See Viewing the status of third party patches.
Viewing Report Pages for the Status of Third Party Patches
On the Advanced Software Management Patch Report page, you can view the status of patches that relate to sites you manage. This page displays the status of each patch so you can quickly see which updates are installed, needed, or have failed.
You can focus the list to the patches you are most interested in using advanced filtering to show only the service plan, site, approval group you want. You can also filter by release date, patch status, and operating system patch type.
You can show or hide updates that are installed, but the device needs a reboot due to the install. You also have the option to select devices that need a reboot and reboot them now.
You can also click the name of any patch to view details, including:
- General information, such as release date.
- Installation information, such as restart behavior, which patches it is superseded by and supersedes, and supported languages.
- Status, such as which approval groups the update applies to, approval status, and deadlines.
- Available revisions.
To view the status of third party patches
- In Service Center, click Advanced Software Management > Reports > Patch Report.
- Do one of the following:
- To filter for this search only, click Advanced Filtering
To save search settings as default, click Preferences
- To filter for this search only, click Advanced Filtering
- Select any of the following check boxes:
- Installed
- Needed
- Failed
- Installed Pending Reboot
Optionally, to exclude patches that you have declined, select Hide Declined Updates.
Select one or more operating system patch types:
Windows App
Mac App
Click one of the following buttons:
If you clicked Preferences in step 2, click Save.
If you clicked Advanced Filtering in step 2, click Filter.