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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column Type Description
DeviceGuid uniqueidentifier A globally unique identifier for the macOS device.
DateCreated datetime The date and time the OM identified the macOS application.
DateModifieddatetime The last date and time the OM modified the macOS application.
AppStore bit (1 or 0) Indicates if the application was downloaded from the App Store (1) or not (0).
Intel64Bit bit (1 or 0) Indicates if the application is Intel 64-bit (1) or not (0).
Kind nvarchar(100) Indicates the computer architecture that application is compiled for.
LastModified datetime Indicates the last date and time the application was modified.
Name nvarchar(100) Indicates the name of the application.
Version nvarchar(100) Indicates the version of the application.
SoftwareID nvarchar(100) An identifier for the software application.