This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne version 6.5 and higher.
ArchiveOne Advanced Discovery allows you to generate litigation discoveries and data collection across live mailboxes, archived data, and PST data, and to apply legal holds to user mail no matter where it resides. If you encounter loss of connection to the database, you can use the steps described in this article to gather diagnostic logging for review by your ArchiveOne Support representative.
ArchiveOne Version 7.3 and Higher
- On the ArchiveOne Server, open the ArchiveOne Admin console.
- On the right-click the Status node and select Configure.
- On the Diagnostics tab, change the trace level to Advanced. Click OK and close the ArchiveOne Admin console.
- Restart the ArchiveOne Service. The Collection Coordinator Service will also be restarted automatically.
- Attempt to connect to the Advanced Discovery console to reproduce the error.
- On the Archive Server, browse to \\localhost\Add-ins\AOnePol\logs\CollectionCoordinator and collect the generated .log files.
- Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Barracuda\ArchiveOne\WebLogs\WebAPI and collect the generated .log files.
- Send a copy of these files to your Support representative for diagnostics.
ArchiveOne Version 7.0 to Version 7.2
- On the ArchiveOne Server, open the ArchiveOne Admin console.
- On the right-click the Status node and select Configure.
- On the Diagnostics tab, change the trace level to Advanced. Click OK and close the ArchiveOne Admin console.
- Restart the ArchiveOne Service. The Collection Coordinator Service will also be restarted automatically.
- Attempt to connect to the Advanced Discovery console to reproduce the error.
- On the Archive Server, browse to \\localhost\Add-ins\AOnePol\logs\CollectionCoordinator and collect the generated .log files.
- Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Barracuda\ArchiveOne\logs\WebAPI and collect the generated .log files.
- Send a copy of these files to your Support representative for diagnostics.
ArchiveOne Version 6.6 and Earlier
- On the ArchiveOne Server, navigate to the ArchiveOne Case Manager installation directory. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\C2C Systems\Archive One\ArchiveOne Case Manager.
- In a text editor such as Notepad, open the file Nlog.config, and locate the following line:
logger name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="File" - Change the minlevel value to Trace, for example:
logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="File" - Save and close the file to set the new log level.
- Type services.msc in the Start Search box, and press Enter.
- In the Services window, right-click ArchiveOne Service, and click Restart.
- Right-click ArchiveOne Case Manager Service and click Restart. The new log level will now be set.
- Attempt to connect to the Advanced Discovery console to reproduce the error.
- On the ArchiveOne Server, navigate to the logs folder. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\C2C Systems\Archive One\logs.
- Send a copy of the file AOneCaseManager.log to your Support representative for diagnostics.