The ArchiveOne Quick Link client is a Microsoft Outlook Add-in that gives end users seamless access to their archived email. Without the Quick Link client, when you click on a message link, you see a URL at the bottom of the message. To retrieve the item, click on it to view the archived message in Outlook Web Access (OWA). When the Quick Link client is installed, when you view the message link in the preview pane, the start of the message displays.
The Quick Link client is automatically launched by Outlook when a user double-clicks a message based on the following criteria:
- If the message is not an archive stub (denoted by the Archive Mail (
) icon), open the message in the normal fashion; no further action is necessary.
- If the message is an archive stub, check whether it has recently been retrieved from the archive. You can do this by checking for the message in the Retrieved Messages folder which is a local cache of recently retrieved message.
- If the message is found in the local cache (Retrieved Messages folder), click to display the message; no further action is necessary.
- If the message is not found in the local cache (Retrieved Messages folder), then a copy of the original message is requested form the Archive server and placed in the local cache. A copy of the message then displays from the local cache.
There are multiple methods by which the Quick Link client requests the original message from the Archive server. Each method is tried in turn unless the method is disabled through registry keys. The methods are (in order):
- Use a web service request with the logged in user's credentials to contact the service and request the message.
- Use DCOM with the logged in user's credentials to contact the service and request the message.
- Use a web service request after prompting user for the credentials to be used to contact the service and request the message.
- Use DCOM after prompting the user for the credentials to be used to contact the service and request the message.
The Quick Link client continues to loop through these options until the message is retrieved or the user clicks cancel at a credentials prompt.
When a message request is made to the Archive service, the client can either pass a new style address (all stubs created by version 5.8.2 and above) or an old style address. If it passes a new style address, the service first attempts a fast lookup, which does the following:
- Attains the current data path of the repository named in the address;
- Appends the zip filename named in the address to the repository data path details;
- If the zip file at the constructed path did not exist, it constructs a path for each repository in turn and test each;
- When the valid zip file is found, it extracts the message named in the address from the zip file at the constructed path.
If any part of this sequence fails, or if it is an old style address, the service falls back to a standard lookup, which does the following:
- Gets the current index path of the repository named in the address;
- Does a search of the index for the 'id' named in the address (note that all stubs have the 'id' as a minimum);
- The search returns the zip filename and message name parts of the address;
- Appends the found zip filename to the repository data path details;
- If the zip file at the constructed path did not exist, or the 'id' could not be found in the repository, it searches each of the other repositories in turn;
- when it finds the valid zip file, it extracts the message named in the address from the zip file at the constructed path.
After extracting the original message, the file is compressed and a link to download the zipped message is sent back to the Quick Link client. The client then uses the downloads and decompresses the zipped message, and saves it to the local cache (Retrieved Messages folder). The local cache copy then displays to the user.
Note that message links in the preview pane display based on the installed version of Outlook.
For Quick Link client installation prerequisites, refer to Installing the ArchiveOne Service and Components.
For details on supported versions of Outlook, refer to the Product Compatibility Matrix.
For additional Quick Link client information, see: