This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne version 6.5 and higher.
If you are unable to retrieve the original message from the archive or the message fails to unarchive when running an unarchive policy, the .zip file containing the CMSG may be missing. To determine if this is the issue, view the ArchiveOne service trace.
Figure 1. Sample ArchiveOne Service Trace.
10 13:41:31 @1540 UNZIP ZipFilename=[\\SERVER\Archive\Year_2015\1\]
10 13:41:31 @1540 UNZIP tempdir=[C:\Program Files (x86)\Barracuda\Archive One\SERVER_PUnzipTempResolveAtt_1540_SIS]
10 13:41:31 @1540 UNZIP QuotedFilename=[003c89_RE_My_email.cmsg]
10 13:41:31 @1540 RetrievalSession::MessageCallback called – MsgID 13 string='Version: 5.00.07 – %s %s'
10 13:41:31 @1540 RetrievalSession::MessageCallback called – MsgID 13 string='— DynaZIP UnZIP Log – %s —'
10 13:41:31 @1540 RetrievalSession::MessageCallback called – MsgID 13 string='Problem reading ZIP file'
10 13:41:31 @1540 RetrievalSession::MessageCallback called – MsgID 13 string='File not found'
10 13:41:31 @1540 RetrievalSession::MessageCallback called – MsgID 13 string='DynaZip UnZIP Error:'
10 13:41:31 @1540 RetrievalSession::UpdateMsg RetrieveFile Failed
As illustrated in the service trace example above, the zip file cannot be found in the repository location. This can be due to repository location misconfiguration or a file inadvertently being removed, for example, a repository being migrated incorrectly to a new location or file quarantining by an antivirus application.
To resolve this issue, you must restore the .zip file.
No Messages are Retrieved
If no messages are retrieved from a particular repository, confirm that the repository configuration is correctly defined and the the Archive data folder location is set correctly using the following steps:
- Select the Mailbox Repositories node.
- Right-click the repository in question, and then click the Settings tab.
- Verify the location is correct and that you can browse to this location in Windows Explorer.
Individual Message is not Retrieved
If only an individual message fails to retrieve, it is likely that the repository location is correctly configured but a .zip file itself is missing. For example, if you migrated a repository and the .zip file is simply in the wrong location. To resolve this issue, locate the .zip file and move it to the correct location in the repository's Archive data folder.
To locate the .zip file, you can run a manual search from Windows Explorer of all storage locations where your archive repositories reside. The log file indicates the .zip in question. For example, in Figure 1 above, the missing .zip file is:
ZIP File Cannot be Located
If you cannot locate the missing .zip file on existing storage, you can attempt to recover the file from a backup. not found