Check Files contain log files, and are located in the ArchiveOne installation directory, by default, C:\Program Files (x86)\Barracuda\ArchiveOne\ServerData\_PoliciesCheckFiles, including:
- Message_XXXX.log
- Policies_XXXX.log
- Repositories_XXXX.log
- Zip_XXXX.log
- MessagesToBeSkipped.mdb
Naming Conventions
The check file naming convention appends a four-digit ID that relates to the thread ID in the ArchiveOne Service trace to correlate the logs.
Message Check File
When ArchiveOne processes messages, it writes a Message Check File, for example, Message_1358.log, to the _PoliciesCheckFiles folder containing information about the message currently being processed. Under normal operation, a new check file is created as each message is processed, and the old check file is removed once processing completes successfully. If unexpected behavior is encountered and processing is disrupted, the Check File for the last processed message is retained. When ArchiveOne Service restarts, it reads this last check file and creates an entry the failed message in the Message to be skipped Database (MessageToBeSkipped.mdb) located in the _PoliciesCheckFiles folder. ArchiveOne stores this list of messages that should not be processed in this database. Whenever a policy runs, it checks each message for processing against the Message to be skipped Database, and if there is a match against an existing database entry, the message is skipped by the policy.
Policy Check File
During the first phase of a policy a Policy Check File, for example, Policies_1884.log, is generated containing the name of the current running policy. If the ArchiveOne Service is restarted, for example, if the Archive Server is restarted, before the policy completes, this file is ready by the ArchiveOne Service when it starts up again. The ArchiveOne Service then automatically re-runs the disrupted policy.
Repository and Zipmaker Check Files
In the second phase of a policy, the Policy Check File from phase one, for example, Policies_1884.log, is removed and replaced with a Repositories Check File and a Zipmaker Check File, for example, Repositories_1884.log and Zip_1884.log. The Repository Check File contains the name of the current repository to which content is being archived, and the Zipmaker Check File contains information regarding the message currently being archived. If the ArchiveOne Service is disrupted, these check files are ready once the service is restarted and the second phase resumes.