This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne version 7.3 and higher.
Table 1. Virtual Websites Installed with the ArchiveOne Search & Retrieval Websites Component
Virtual Website | Description |
AOnePolExtArch | Used during PST Processing. |
AOnePolFileAccess | Used for synchronizing offline files (via the ArchiveOne Laptop Client). |
AOnePolPstDiscovery | Used to communicate discovery information for PSTs to the ArchiveOne SQL database. |
AOnePolQL | Used to process client requests for retrievals (via the ArchiveOne Quick Link Client). |
AOnePolServerDetails | Used to provide details regarding the search, browse and other website connections. |
AOnePstManagement | Used to provide configuration information to the PST Processor client executable. |
AOneSearch | Used as the ArchiveOne Search website (uses a Forms-based authentication by default; you can change the authentication method to windows integrated). |
Table 2. Virtual Websites Installed with the ArchiveOne Core Services Component
Virtual Website | Description |
AOneAudit | Used for auditing ArchiveOne (requires SQL). |
AOneEWS | Used to allow for search of live (non-archived) data in Exchange mailboxes when using the Search feature in the ArchiveOne Search website. |
ArchiveOneWebAdmin | Used to provide the ArchiveOne Web Administration website. |
BarracudaAdvancedDiscovery | Used to provide the Advanced Discovery website. |
WebAPI | Used to communicate Advanced Discovery website requests to the ArchiveOne Service. |